Saturday, April 28, 2018

No. 48: Typewriter of the Day - Adler J5

No 48: TOTD - Adler J5

It's a quiet news day so we need another typewriter.  I have a lot of J5s in my collection, here is one from Calgary.  I like using them and find them a real work horse machine plus they come in a formed plastic case which keeps them safe when you move them around.  There is nothing worse then having a machine damaged or destroyed because the case has failed.

Here is a picture of the J5 on my typing table, I like using a typing table because it lowers the height of the keyboard slightly for comfort.  They were common 20 years ago but now they are getting scarce, if you can find one snap it up.

Someone once said that these machines look like fighter planes.  I agree they look great and even though they have a plastic body they are worth collecting and using.

I am trying to find a writer  that used one but so far no joy.

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