Monday, April 16, 2018

No. 40- Typewriter of the Day: Hermes Media 3 (Series 2)

No. 40 - TOTD: Hermes Media 3 (Series 2)

Here is a series 2 Hermes Media 3 with script font.  I didn't notice in the pictures when I bought this machine that the carriage knobs were broken.  I was interested in the script typewface and the low price.  Heinz overhauled this for me and managed to replace the knobs.  Media 3 version of the Hermes line is a stripped down machine with no touch control, tabs or the fancy margin inidcators of the 3000, other then that they are identical.

As for  writer that used a Media 3, sadly I have not located one yet but I will keep looking.

Have a great day.


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