Monday, August 23, 2021

Australian Local Govt Shoots Dogs at Pound to Stop Rescuers Collecting Them During Covid


Australian Local Govt Shoots Dogs at Pound to Stop Rescuers Collecting Them During Covid

I am still outraged at these insane cunts in Australia.  Killing dogs, man's best friend, is UNACCEPTABEL.


None Dare Call It Conspiracy

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

Grab a coffee here is an interesting read.  I need to get a copy of the book.


Australia has gone stark, raving mad


Australia has gone stark, raving mad

Here is another article on what is turning a great country into a shitshow.  I am amazed how the citizens put up with the crazy behavior of their government.  Another place to avoid and not just because of the snakes and spiders.


Monsters: Citing Tyrannical Covid Restrictions, Australian Government Officials Shoot and Kill Rescue Dogs


Monsters: Citing Tyrannical Covid Restrictions, Australian Government Officials Shoot and Kill Rescue Dogs That Were Set to Be Picked Up By Animal Shelter

I love dogs, I share my life with a dog and have done for decades.  Dog cruelty offends me so deeply.  I see violence against dogs let's you see the real tone and tenor of a people and I must say watching things unfold in Australia disgust me.  I thought we were beyond all the totalitarian bull@hit of Nazi Germany and the USSR I guess I am wrong.


Guardian: Greenland Rain Is ‘Stark Sign of Climate Crisis’


Guardian: Greenland Rain Is ‘Stark Sign of Climate Crisis’

Here is an interesting read.  I try to understand the Guardian but their POV has totally alienated me.


Friday, August 20, 2021

U.S. Climactivists Blame Global Warming For North Korea’s Failures


U.S. Climactivists Blame Global Warming For North Korea’s Failures

Right Global Warming? No chance just a result of the command economy failure.  North Korea is just another failed Communist state.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...