Sunday, February 05, 2017

NASA / NOAA Climate Data Is Fake Data | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

NASA / NOAA Climate Data Is Fake Data | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog:

'via Blog this'

Whoa - say it ain't so Joe.

In the early days of computing there was an old axiom GIGO, garbage in garbage out.  For about twenty years computer users remembered this and treated computer output with a modicum of scepticism.  With the following generations who grew up with excessive computing power and software the concept has become lost.  You can calculate instantly to an unlimited number of decimal place but you really don't know if the answer to three significant digits is correct,

When you take the weakness in comprehension and the belief in the infallibility of computers you end up with a lot of people who really will believe anything they see on a computer.  With this mindset the political scientific community can't resist spinning the data to suit their theories.  So much for scientific method.

So much for the guys who could put a man on the moon.


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