Monday, July 10, 2023

New Zealand might adopt new “UN-type” science curriculum without physics and chemistry


New Zealand might adopt new “UN-type” science curriculum without physics and chemistry

A good friend of mine feels that New Zealand is cutting edge.  If this is the future we will not have to worry about whether the lights will be put out, just how fast it will happen. Luckily for the Kiwis, China can handle the science for them.

Kid's, remember math is hard take sociology.


Rising Temperatures From Climate Change May Cause Kidney Stone Epidemic, Says ‘Experts’


Rising Temperatures From Climate Change May Cause Kidney Stone Epidemic, Says ‘Experts’

Wow, Stampede has started in Calgary and we are getting some crazy news; must be a co-relation.
We are devolving back into the middle ages, the period prior to discovery of scientific method and science.  We are quickly losing the battle with "Believers in Scientists"  Funny it sounds abit like believe in the Priests.


Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Monday, July 03, 2023

Scientists: Thirsty Humans Are Causing the World to Wobble on Its Axis


Scientists: Thirsty Humans Are Causing the World to Wobble on Its Axis

In an age where "the Experts" have compleatly distroyed their credibility with all of their pet theories to remke the world as they dream, here is the latest piece of junk science.  The over use of water is another theory that comes up to support the goal of killing 6 billion people so the elite 1 billion will enjoy the world.  One question - once this happens, who is going to cut their lawns?


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

“How Dare You!” – Five Years Ago Today, Climate Change Hoaxer Greta Thunberg Said the World Would End


“How Dare You!” – Five Years Ago Today, Climate Change Hoaxer Greta Thunberg Said the World Would End

We are living in a joke world when people whorship a teenager nonothing.  She's not even smart enough to remember to push your predictions out enough that people forget them.  


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Fake Fact-Checker Is Forced to Backtrack on its Bogus Gateway Pundit Fact-Check After Lawyer Sends Retraction Demand – And the Woman is NOT a Doctor and NOT from the US


Fake Fact-Checker Is Forced to Backtrack on its Bogus Gateway Pundit Fact-Check After Lawyer Sends Retraction Demand – And the Woman is NOT a Doctor and NOT from the US

I think that Goebles and Pravda would be proud of how the "Fact Checkers" have managed to distort the messages of people to control the narrative on so many subjects.  Luckly for us we know that they are just runnung dogs for the official message we are supposed to accept.  BS floods us, we will swim.


Sen. Rand Paul: 15 Federal Agencies Knew in 2018 that Wuhan Lab Was Trying to Create COVID 19

  Sen. Rand Paul: 15 Federal Agencies Knew in 2018 that Wuhan Lab Was Trying to Create COVID 19 – NOT ONE PERSON Came Forward and Spoke the ...