Sunday, September 10, 2023

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Get Smart: Biden Declares ‘No Real Intelligence to Deny the Climate Crisis’


Get Smart: Biden Declares ‘No Real Intelligence to Deny the Climate Crisis’

I put this article in as a marker.  We have reached a point where any weather event is "Climate Crisis".
It is now obvious that the new converts to Giaia Whorship are beyond help.  Adapt is you want to survive, that has been our responce for 100,000 years.


Friday, September 01, 2023

Mysterious, Unexplained Red Meat Allergies Reportedly Explode in Virginia


Mysterious, Unexplained Red Meat Allergies Reportedly Explode in Virginia

One of the curious issues today which coincides with the WEF telling the serfs to eat bugs is the rise of an alergy to red meat.  Who knows these days if this comes from a tick as suggested or is the result of some sick bio-war experiment?


Thursday, August 31, 2023


MALCOLM: True North’s reporting on the “unmarked graves” narrative has been vindicated

The mass graves at residential schools stories are a blight on all Canadians.  Not because of the thoughts of murder of children, rather that we allowed ourselves to be influenced so badly by the "News Media".  Here is a story that has emerged in the face of media pressure that should be read.


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Jamie Sarkonak: Liberals push Canada toward a net-zero electricity grid — with a stick instead of a carrot


Jamie Sarkonak: Liberals push Canada toward a net-zero electricity grid — with a stick instead of a carrot.

Here is a great discussion on the problems faced by Canadians from the zealots of the church of climate.  I  am old and have not much input into todays economy, I do however feel for the younger members of our society and their prosperity and lifestyle.  If we let the zealots win these battles over the future of supplies and costs of energy those that are still alive will live cold and dark lives. 


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...