Monday, September 13, 2021

Panel Of Scientists Determines Most People Don't Need Boosters; Moderna Plummets


Panel Of Scientists Determines Most People Don't Need Boosters; Moderna Plummets

I don't know about you but I am getting completely confused by the mixed messages coming out of  the press and the authorities.  I think the narrative is losing steam.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Two Years Ago Today: Wuhan Bat Lab Mysteriously Scrubbed Database With 22,000 Specimens


Two Years Ago Today: Wuhan Bat Lab Mysteriously Scrubbed Database With 22,000 Specimens

Are your surprised?  The CCP is the badies and this is why we need to disengage with the CCP controlled economy.


Friday, September 10, 2021

The Coming COVID Apartheid


The Coming COVID Apartheid

I don't cared how frightened you are, no economy can survive removing 20 to 50 percent of the market and none of the segregated will ever forget who demanded and set up this facist rule.  New world order? No, just a retreat into feudalism.


Why Leftists Hate Clint Eastwood So Much


Why Leftists Hate Clint Eastwood So Much

I have always been a fan of Clint Eastwood.  I must also admit I love the way he twists all the lefties up. Always live by his saying; "don't let the old man in."


Thursday, September 09, 2021

‘New World Order’: Conspiracy theorists unite as Australian health chief uses term at press conference


‘New World Order’: Conspiracy theorists unite as Australian health chief uses term at press conference

Think about it, a Biden brain fart from the lead fascist Dr. Kerry Chant giving us a peek behind the curtain.  If Australia is the test bed for "The New World Order" it is not going to sell well.  


COVID-1984: Australia Now Confiscating Alcohol in Locked Down Areas


COVID-1984: Australia Now Confiscating Alcohol in Locked Down Areas

You couldn't make this up - the OZ government is getting desperate.


Wednesday, September 08, 2021

New "Pandemic Potential" Brain-Destroying-Virus With 75% Death Rate Spreading In India


New "Pandemic Potential" Brain-Destroying-Virus With 75% Death Rate Spreading In India

All I can say is thank our lucky stars that the Wuhan Lab started screwing with viruses in alphabetical order.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...