Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Left Calls for ‘Army of Citizen Detectives’ to Monitor & Report Trump Supporters


Left Calls for ‘Army of Citizen Detectives’ to Monitor & Report Trump Supporters

Well you will enjoy watching the Karens fully integrated in the new US Secret Police.


America, a Country of Victorious Socialism


America, a Country of Victorious Socialism

It is going to be more then sad to see this happen, chances are things will look a lot like China.  Once the driving force of American Exceptionalism is snuffed out we are in for global decline.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

NASA Tests World’s Most Powerful Rocket Engines


NASA Tests World’s Most Powerful Rocket Engines

Got to love this stuff though I am still a Saturn 5 man.


Monday, January 18, 2021

Saturday, January 16, 2021

With Trump almost gone, there’s a new drug in town against COVID


With Trump almost gone, there’s a new drug in town against COVID

Interesting news for all of my panicked friends and family.  Another idea that got dumped on by big pharma and big government.


Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...