Friday, October 09, 2020

Canada’s Liberals Are Becoming A Climate Cult


Canada’s Liberals Are Becoming A Climate Cult

I pose the question "becoming"?  What is really going on is that they have a project that will never end and at the same time allow them new tax revenue forever.


Thursday, October 08, 2020

Delingpole: NATO’s New Mission – Saving the World from ‘Climate Change’


Delingpole: NATO’s New Mission – Saving the World from ‘Climate Change’

Thank you James Delingpole for catching this.  What we have here is the worst case of mission creep in the history of the world.  If we don't have a need for NATO shut it down.


Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Trudeau moving to kill the A2A project


Trudeau moving to kill the A2A project

Thank you SmallDeadAnimals for finding this post.  I should have known this would be the Laurentian attitude to this project.  This may be the crack for which the wedge of western Canadian separation was made.  We need economic solutions not environmental serfdom.


Friday, October 02, 2020

Yes, Trump Should Be Taking Hydroxychloroquine Right Now


Yes, Trump Should Be Taking Hydroxychloroquine Right Now

I hope he is taking HDC.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Blackstone Sets Goal to Reduce Carbon Emissions


Blackstone Sets Goal to Reduce Carbon Emissions

First of all I hope you can get to the article, this may be behind the WSJ paywall.  

Blackstone has to go on the record.  I can say that this new virtue signaling policy is why you should divest any equities in which Blackstone has a position.  By involving themselves in climate issues they are showing that they have become distracted and that is not in their investors interests.  They are also forcing the companies in which they invest to become in efficient in the pursuit of "lower carbon emissions".

With the rise of oligopolistic hedge funds and sovereign management funds in the equity markets we are moving into danger.  If they operate with their shareholders best interests a heart they are efficient forms of investment management; if they start to make decisions on social or ideological policy then they are a rogue elephant that endangers ultimately our prosperity. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Night Terrors


Night Terrors

I generally try now to stay out of US politics, I have enough problems with friends and relatives here in Canada that are constantly heckling me about the Evil DJT.  You have to admit that CNN has been effective in creating a narrative that most squessy libs and lefties love.  It fits their old anti American and Canadian Superiority beliefs that most Canadians have held for years.  It is their comfort in paying higher taxes, and getting lower wages and living with a 75 cent dollar.  

This article was a tread I followed from SmallDeadAnimals, one of my favorite sites to read, enjoy.

The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...