Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Delingpole: Europe Is Waking Up to the Truth about the Coronavirus Scare


Delingpole: Europe Is Waking Up to the Truth about the Coronavirus Scare

James has a point, other then my 92 year old chem teacher, who died from coronavirus, I do not know of a single case nor do any of my associates.  HMMMM.


Flamethrower-Packing Antifa 'Entered Fetal Position And Began Crying' After Unsuccessful Escape From Cops


Flamethrower-Packing Antifa 'Entered Fetal Position And Began Crying' After Unsuccessful Escape From Cops

I like the part where he rolls into the fetal postion and crys.  Stuff like this never happens in Fortnight.


Study: 90% Of Power Companies Prioritize Reliable Fuels Over Renewables


Study: 90% Of Power Companies Prioritize Reliable Fuels Over Renewables

Well you don't say.  Power companies are concerned with supplying reliable electricity to their customers.  You want to live with intermittent power?  Intermittent power is the result of relying on intermittent  sources of energy such as wind or solar.  To live this "green dream" the power companies are forced to build in redundancy from traditional sources  to insure you, as a consumer, can have light, the internet, cloud based computing and in many places heat or cooling.  The requirement for redundancy adds cost to rate base and must be paid by the consumer so I guess if you want to live the "green dream" you have to deny the sources of your powe and at the same time pay for itr.  The only real solution is the nuclear alternative.


Monday, August 31, 2020

Nothing to See Here: CNN’s Chris Cillizza Sneers at Trump’s Call of ‘Riots’


Nothing to See Here: CNN’s Chris Cillizza Sneers at Trump’s Call of ‘Riots’

I have been ignoring US politics these days but the alternate universe that CCN lives in needs to go on the record.  Now I am re-enforced in my reasons why I stopped watching CNN years ago.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease https://www.zerohedge.com/political/net-zero-cure-far-worse-disease We are now going to fa...