Sunday, September 08, 2019

China filmed 'using weather control to change direction of typhoon'

China filmed 'using weather control to change direction of typhoon'

This from Drudge.  All i can say is that they should work on a way to control smog.


Anti-Brexit Brit parliamentarians colluded with EU to sabotage PM Johnson’s no-deal Brexit

Anti-Brexit Brit parliamentarians colluded with EU to sabotage PM Johnson’s no-deal Brexit

Here is an interesting comment on Bojo and his battle with the remainers.  I was wondering how the PM could overlook the new law passed by parliament.  Read the article and find out.


Friday, September 06, 2019

Swedish Scientist Proposes Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change

Swedish Scientist Proposes Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change

This is the thin edge of the wedge.  We now have population control on the table and eating the untermensch after they are dead will evolve into killing and eating them period.  The elite wants a nice world that they can enjoy with out the stresses and strains of dealing with the rest of the world.
Soylent Green is coming.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...