Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Plague Cases in California: What's Behind the Rise?

Plague Cases in California: What's Behind the Rise?

Interested in Bubonic Plague?  Here is a backgrounder.  In addition to Eboa we will monitor this situation.


Weiner Bounces Back Into Huma's Life

Weiner Bounces Back Into Huma's Life

Who would have ever thought this would happen.  Funny how the left can resurrect their fallen bad; think about Al Franken on the road to redemption.


Monday, July 22, 2019

Dutch Journalist Maligned By TED Head Office For WrongThink

Dutch Journalist Maligned By TED Head Office For WrongThink

Wrong think!  This is the problem with the state of our world, science and even good journalists (there has always been "Yellow Journalists) are being pushed by the fanatics.  This isn't new and it isn't terminal, the good science and truth will always win out.


"I've Had Many Strange Experiences In My Life" - Inside Epstein's 'Honey Trap' On E 71st Street

"I've Had Many Strange Experiences In My Life" - Inside Epstein's 'Honey Trap' On E 71st Street

This may or not be true but it is an interesting look at Epstein's MO.


Mueller, 'Meddling', & The Routing Of The RussiaGate Narrative

Mueller, 'Meddling', & The Routing Of The RussiaGate Narrative

This is a story with no legs anymore and nothing is going to save the Dems on this issue.  It's over.


Sunday, July 21, 2019

Read this: Gramscian damage

Gramscian damage

I was led to this link by SmallDeadAnimals.  What a terrific essay and here is the greatest part it was written in 2006.  It could have been written today!  Pour a coffee sit back and enjoy.


Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says

Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says

Tired of watching the slow march of Ebola through Africa and into the First world?  Here is something you can sink you teeth into and relate to, a potential plague in Los Angles.  Since nothing is going to change under the leadership of local and state governments this problem is coming at us.  I

I'd say wash your hands but this disease is a little more complicated.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease https://www.zerohedge.com/political/net-zero-cure-far-worse-disease We are now going to fa...