Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Coffee Bean Apocalypse Called Off As Surplus Sends Prices Tumbling

Coffee Bean Apocalypse Called Off As Surplus Sends Prices Tumbling

OMG - a shortage coming in 30 years!  How will be able to survive such a dire prediction.


Bombshell: Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

Bombshell: Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

Hmmmmm..... very interesting.


Vanity Fair: Trump Knew Jeffrey Epstein Had Incriminating Photos of Bill Clinton

Vanity Fair: Trump Knew Jeffrey Epstein Had Incriminating Photos of Bill Clinton

Nothing like hot pix; this will keep everyone on their toes in Washington.


Democrat Congresswoman Flips on Keeping Epstein Contributions

Democrat Congresswoman Flips on Keeping Epstein Contributions

Looks like a case of nerves.  


Exclusive–Mike Cernovich: Media Only Covers Epstein Case to Attack Trump

Exclusive–Mike Cernovich: Media Only Covers Epstein Case to Attack Trump

This is going to be a very interesting story, it has all of the ingredients.  It is very interesting to watch the Dems try to distance themselves from Epstein, a big Dem donor.  Bill is going to want to know what the definition od a "trip is".


Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Ann Coulter: Media Magic — How a Democrat Pedophile Became a ‘Trump Scandal’

Ann Coulter: Media Magic — How a Democrat Pedophile Became a ‘Trump Scandal’

At least CNN will get a little more content.  Orange man bad.


Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats

Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats

The average person knew about these "rumors" years ago.  How come it took so long to purge the wikipedia report?  You have to love the attempt to erase history.  Bad boy and his friends.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...