Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Mundo Loco: WhatsApp pledges to SUE users over off-platform misbehavior

WhatsApp pledges to SUE users over off-platform misbehavior

Hahahaha!  This I want to see.


Pinterest Bans Zero Hedge By Adding To "Porn Domain Block List" Used To Target Conservatives

Pinterest Bans Zero Hedge By Adding To "Porn Domain Block List" Used To Target Conservatives

I must confess, I read through Zero Hedge every day.  I find they monitor both serious news and finance so they are a valuable source of information.  Pinterest on the other hand is a site I don't use.  Pinterest is just a re-formatted version of google images and not worth the hassle of trying to log in and view their material.  Not debating the value of the site (low) rather the censorship they are trying to impose this represents the real issue of the internet.  Information flow was the whole reason we started using the internet and stopped using the library.  Do you remember how Google changed search engines?  Google opened up so many sites that lingered in obscurity anding so much to the information available to the user The internet made it so easy to access a multitude of sources so easily.  Things are changing as the search engines start to push certain sites and suppress others.  IF Once we find a search engine that doesn't work well, arbitrarily suppressing sites for political reasons, (porn was never suppressed)  the consumer will move on.  

We may be looking at the start of the decline of the internet as it starts to be manipulated and politicized by the neo-marxists


Monday, June 10, 2019

The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...