Saturday, June 01, 2019

Twitter Suspends Researcher Who Exposed Antifa-Journalist Connections

Twitter Suspends Researcher Who Exposed Antifa-Journalist Connections
Interesting story,  of course the blackshirts and their MSM running dogs are fascists.  I love the cycle of history.  Thugs will be thugs until they get unmasked and arrested.


Don Lemon Triggered After NYTimes Bans Staff from His ‘Partisan’ CNN Show

Don Lemon Triggered After NYTimes Bans Staff from His ‘Partisan’ CNN Show

That's not fair, Don is the most even and fair commentator on the airwaves. (SARCASM).  


Friday, May 31, 2019

There’s Nothing Grassroots About Greta’s Very Corporate Kiddie Crusade

There’s Nothing Grassroots About Greta’s Very Corporate Kiddie Crusade

Luckily school is out so the skipping will be over.  Using kids in the climate crusade is a sick, probably immoral and not that effective.  I don't know many adults who want to take advice from kids.  I keep thinking of the end of the Children's Crusade.

On thing her parents should do, as a wag said is get her to the orthodontist.

Ebola Watch: Ebola Likely to Spread From Congo to Uganda, W.H.O. Says

Ebola Likely to Spread From Congo to Uganda, W.H.O. Says

Coming to a city near you.  Remember to wash your hands.


Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...