Nolte: Library Journal Comes out Against Books Guilty of ‘Whiteness’
Let me begin with a confession. I am a book lover, I read constantly. I fear the end but since I am old I am not worried about having to live in a politicized dystopian world where your skin color, race, religion and sexuality are your keys to legitimacy as a citizen. As an older white male I thought that these classifications had been done away with. I guess I underestimated the extremes of the neo-marxist left. The spirits of Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin and Mao have returned in the ideologies of our uneducated youth. I guess we deserve it, we let the hippies take over the education system and break it. We never took them seriously now they are getting their revenge.
Solution: When the book burning starts, hide you books. When companies like Amazon start to censor what they publish or sell stop supporting them. Pray for a return to enlightenment.