Sunday, March 17, 2019

Climate change student strike inspired by politically correct teaching, academic says

Climate change student strike inspired by politically correct teaching, academic says

Here is the take on the brainwashed students from Australia.


False News: New York Times Op-Ed: Trump, Breitbart News Have ‘Blood on Their Hands’ in Christchurch

False News: New York Times Op-Ed: Trump, Breitbart News Have ‘Blood on Their Hands’ in Christchurch

False News!  This is why MSM is dead - they never stop their political hectoring.


Lawmaker Calls for Ban on Partisan Ideology in Classrooms

Lawmaker Calls for Ban on Partisan Ideology in Classrooms

It's too late, we have let the neo-marxists run the schools for 50 years now.  The schools are lost, MSM is lost.


Nolte: Houston Library Allowed Sex Offender to Read to Kids During Drag Queen Storytime

Nolte: Houston Library Allowed Sex Offender to Read to Kids During Drag Queen Storytime

The library panders the drag queen grooms - sick.


Street theatre: Students at UN stage ‘die-in’ to protest climate inaction

Students at UN stage ‘die-in’ to protest climate inaction

Nothing like a little street theatre from the neo-marxists.  Did they get invited in for some cookies and milk after their show?


Saturday, March 16, 2019

Gwyn Morgan: Talk about ‘collusion’: How foreign-backed anti-oil activists infiltrated Canada’s government

Gwyn Morgan: Talk about ‘collusion’: How foreign-backed anti-oil activists infiltrated Canada’s government

Canada a doomed and corrupt country.


Democrats Encourage Kids To Ditch School And Join The ‘Climate Strike’

Democrats Encourage Kids To Ditch School And Join The ‘Climate Strike’

Nothing is more fanciful then a children's crusade, they all end badly, whether it was the original children's crusade of 1212 where those that survived the trek ended up in muslim slave markets.  A similar children's crusade was the cultural revolution and the red guards where china was put back a decade and millions of people were either displaced or killed.  The neo-marxists in America are no different pandering to and taking advantage of kids.  Kids are earnest beings trying to learn from their teachers.  They trust their teachers and for their teachers to indoctrinate them and use them for political gain is a breach of trust.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...