Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Profession Without Intelligence

A Profession Without Intelligence

Mann is a Zeppelin.


PayPal Censoring Groups With Help from Leftist, Anti-Christian SPLC

PayPal Censoring Groups With Help from Leftist, Anti-Christian SPLC

I like Paypal, I use Paypal but I am willing to live without it.


Captain Capitalism: How to Truly Measure Standards of Living

Captain Capitalism: How to Truly Measure Standards of Living

I had wandered away from the Cappy but SmallDeadAnimals brought me back with this article.  A great read.


Kamala Harris: We Need ‘Reparations’ to Help Blacks ‘Heal’ from ‘Trauma’

Kamala Harris: We Need ‘Reparations’ to Help Blacks ‘Heal’ from ‘Trauma’

There is nothing simpler then buying votes.


Financial Blacklisting: Chase Bank Withdraws Service from Independent and Conservative Figures

Financial Blacklisting: Chase Bank Withdraws Service from Independent and Conservative Figures

Political banking?  Now that's a new one and that's a bad sign.  I hope they are happy losing a lot of customers.  This sounds like a rational business decision (SARCASM).  It also sounds like another step in the breakdown of our financial system.


Facebook Whistleblower: Staff ‘Deboost’ Unwanted Content – and I Saw Same Code Used on Conservatives

Facebook Whistleblower: Staff ‘Deboost’ Unwanted Content – and I Saw Same Code Used on Conservatives

Well what did you expect when you allow the unfettered manipulation of these platforms by their owners.  It's not enough that they sell all of their users data rather now they are experimenting with control of information.  This is why I don't use Facebook.  


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...