Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Jerry Brown to Host ‘Global Climate Action Summit’ in San Francisco

Jerry Brown to Host ‘Global Climate Action Summit’ in San Francisco


You have to love this virtue signalling.  These events are also really good for the tourism account which has been down in San Francisco.  We hope that the delegates don't however get pooh on their shoes.


Monday, September 10, 2018

Twitter Suspends Benghazi Hero After He Excoriates Obama

Twitter Suspends Benghazi Hero After He Excoriates Obama

You have to understand the Neo Marxists at Twitter will not accept anyone insulting their God, that is blasphamy.


UN’s ‘Green Climate Fund’ Is Wasting U.S. Tax Dollars (And They Want More!)

UN’s ‘Green Climate Fund’ Is Wasting U.S. Tax Dollars (And They Want More!)


Too bad for the UN, they have to start making the other guys pay (fat Chance).


Coup Update: New Strzok-Page Texts Discuss FBI "Media Leak Strategy" Within Hours Of Washington Post Bombshell

New Strzok-Page Texts Discuss FBI "Media Leak Strategy" Within Hours Of Washington Post Bombshell 


I thought these two lovebirds were done, I guess not.


Why you don't want to visit Britain: Delingpole: Police in UK Rape Gang Heartland Wage War…on Hurty Tweets

Delingpole: Police in UK Rape Gang Heartland Wage War…on Hurty Tweets


The cops don't get it.  Don't deal with crime just troll the internet.  Bet they don't deal with the ISIS web material.


Paris Climate Agreement ‘On The Brink’; Western Nations Refuse To Transfer Billions

Paris Climate Agreement ‘On The Brink’; Western Nations Refuse To Transfer Billions


You have to enjoy moments like this when the true test of the Ideologues occurs, when they have to put their money where their mouths are.


Sunday, September 09, 2018

BBC Forbids Reporters From Putting Global Warming ‘Deniers’ In The News

BBC Forbids Reporters From Putting Global Warming ‘Deniers’ In The News


This is an example of why the media is no longer relied upon for factual information.  Was anyone surprised that the media, the BBC in this case, and the neo-marxists "journalists" imbedded in these organizations are not always working to control the content to suit their ideology.  Too bad we, as taxpayers have to pay for it, I say that because I live in Canada where  we have an anemic BBC clone, the CBC, which has over the years modeled itself after both the BBC and Pravda, the organ of the Soviet Union.  Time to let the marketplace deal with the neo-marxists, let them sell some ads.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease https://www.zerohedge.com/political/net-zero-cure-far-worse-disease We are now going to fa...