Thursday, August 23, 2018

Coup Update: Candace Owens: Paris Dennard Faces ‘Public Lynching’ for Supporting Trump

Candace Owens: Paris Dennard Faces ‘Public Lynching’ for Supporting Trump

I saw the interview that has lead to Paris Dennard's problem with  CNN's Phil Mudd, Phil is kind a shallow guy that doesn't listen or understand Paris's points.  Too bad for CNN they lose even more cred. 


Coup Update:Translator at Trump Tower Meeting Personally Served Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, President Obama

Translator at Trump Tower Meeting Personally Served Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, President Obama

Is this a coincidence or what?


Emails Suggest An Even Deeper Level Of Collusion Between Top EPA Officials And Lobbyists

Emails Suggest An Even Deeper Level Of Collusion Between Top EPA Officials And Lobbyists

This is an interesting story that surfaced a month ago.  I don't have a dog in this fight, it's an American issue but I sure don't like the smell detector to go off when you here something like this happening with lobbyists and bureaucrats.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...