Sunday, July 29, 2018

Some Therapists Seeing 'Trump Anxiety Disorder' in Patients

Some Therapists Seeing 'Trump Anxiety Disorder' in Patients

I took a few days off from my last post, it's summer and we had to get some visiting done.  Also the news lately has been a wasteland - nothing that strikes my fancy.  Here, however, is something right up my alley, the CBC and the left psychological/psychiatrists practitioners get together to try a different venue to attack Trump.  Of all MSM groups the CBC from Canada - as the article points out it is Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Joker, Hitler, Burglar, Spy - The Four Stages Of Trump

Joker, Hitler, Burglar, Spy - The Four Stages Of Trump

I am fascinated with Trump Derangement Syndrome.  It is something I have never seen before, perhaps it is a return of the Witch Trials with such cognitive dissonance that those suffering from the syndrome seem insane.  In  Canada, which doesn't have a dog in the fight, I can't believe what I see here both among "friends" and the Press.  I can't even have a coffee with my neighbor or a drink with my brother-in-law without being tempted to make their heads explode by commenting on something that Trump has done. Lefties and liberals are constantly setting their hair on fire over Trump.  Amazing since he has been the most accomplished president I have seen in my lifetime.  Amazing.


#ExxonKnew: Despite Repeated Failures By NY AG, The Harassment Continues

#ExxonKnew: Despite Repeated Failures By NY AG, The Harassment Continues

To Climate Fanatics, the frustration of being rejected in the courts is causing them to set their hair on fire.  Typical of any perpetual motion machine  the NY Attorney General's minions can't stop.  They are a rent seeking industry and just losing in court means keep trying harder as they are funded by an unending stream of Taxpayer money.  They know they are right and the courts wrong. 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Coup Update: Carter Page FISA Application Exposes Flimsy Underpinnings Of FBI "Witch Hunt"

Carter Page FISA Application Exposes Flimsy Underpinnings Of FBI "Witch Hunt"

It had to come out sooner or later, this is a wonderful and frightening example of what can happen to someone that the powerful wish to attack.  Pretending to see Carter Page as a sviet operative was so flimsy, the whole operation was to start Watergate 2.0, objective to win the election for Hillary Clinton.  


Delingpole: Yes, It’s Hot. No, It’s Not ‘Man-Made Global Warming’

Delingpole: Yes, It’s Hot. No, It’s Not ‘Man-Made Global Warming’

Interesting essay.  It is sad to say though that the high temperatures that Greenies are find so uncomfortable maybe the effect of Summer.   Enjoy it the summer is racing by and we will be back to winter.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Mundo Loco: Colorado Snowflakes Fume Over Starbucks Mug Featuring Drilling Rig

Colorado Snowflakes Fume Over Starbucks Mug Featuring Drilling Rig

I can understand the little darlings getting triggered, they feel guilty driving to their Starbucks to hang out, but please that's not a drilling rig, it's a pump jack.  If your going to get triggered get triggered by the right image.

Drilling Rig

Image result for drilling rig


Image result for pumpjack

Try not to spill your latte in your fear.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...