Monday, July 09, 2018

Coup Update: Details emerge on Justice Department meeting with reporters on Manafort

Details emerge on Justice Department meeting with reporters on Manafort

I don't think anyone is surprised that: a) the cops are busy leaking to the press confidential information to hurt the accused (a technique indicating they don't have any evidence.); b) there is no chance that Manfort could ever get a fair trial.


Sunday, July 08, 2018

Study: Burning Fossil Fuels Creates White Masculine Power, Violent Misogynists

Study: Burning Fossil Fuels Creates White Masculine Power, Violent Misogynists

This has to go on the record as being the craziest theory I have heard for a while.  What is amazing is that the author gets paid to write this stuff.  Probably this is just a natural response to a condition of combining "publish or perish", Global Warming (Trump) derangement syndrome and general man hating.


Friday, July 06, 2018

Coup Update: "Hurry The F Up": New Strzok-Page Email Reveals FBI Scramble For Dirt On Trump Campaign

"Hurry The F Up": New Strzok-Page Email Reveals FBI Scramble For Dirt On Trump Campaign

These two are a barrel of laughs except they worked for the DOJ.


Anthropocene: The Media’s Fake Geological Epoch

Anthropocene: The Media’s Fake Geological Epoch

You have to love the press, they don't really no anything about Geology or Science in General.  How did we come to rely on these dopes.  The whole climate change Catastrophist Ideology comes from mixing the fact that everyone loves to talk about the weather and Neo-marxism linking up for lots of fun and games (Global Warming Alarmism).  We will all have to keep paying for this human hubris and idiocy.  Thanks Morris Strong, thanks Suzuki and thanks Al Gore.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...