Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Coup Update:Treasury Launches Probe How Cohen's Bank Records Were Leaked To Stormy Daniels' Lawyer | Zero Hedge

Treasury Launches Probe How Cohen's Bank Records Were Leaked To Stormy Daniels' Lawyer | Zero Hedge:

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The Mueller team is leaking to its friends again?


Coup Update: Nolte: Stormy Lawyer Michael Avenatti Plays Media Again

Nolte: Stormy Lawyer Michael Avenatti Plays Media Again:

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This is terrific theatre!  How did he get the banking information - I thought that was secret.


Leming Moment: UN Pushes for 'Paris Agreement on Steroids'

UN Pushes for 'Paris Agreement on Steroids':

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The UN is having a "Bridge too Far" moment.  Paris was ridiculous, this could split the world into the first world an a second world which will live with voluntary energy impoverishment.  Actions speak louder than words.


David Suzuki told me to 'F*ck off' | Climate Dispatch

David Suzuki told me to 'F*ck off' | Climate Dispatch:

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More comment on the Fruit Fly Prof getting an honorary degree fro U of A.  Crazy left wing University.


Trudeau speaks out on Iran nuclear deal

Trudeau speaks out on Iran nuclear deal:

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Who cares what he says - always behind the pace.


Coup Update: Stormy Daniels Lawyer's Bombshell Claim: Putin-Linked Oligarch Paid Cohen $500K For "Hush" Payment | Zero Hedge

Stormy Daniels Lawyer's Bombshell Claim: Putin-Linked Oligarch Paid Cohen $500K For "Hush" Payment | Zero Hedge:

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As someone smarter then myself already noted - How did Avenatti ge all of Cohen's banking information?


Coup Update:Top Secret Intel Source Aiding Mueller Probe Is Behind Latest Clash Between DOJ And Nunes | Zero Hedge

Top Secret Intel Source Aiding Mueller Probe Is Behind Latest Clash Between DOJ And Nunes | Zero Hedge:

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The source is always too important to reveal?  Sounds like the same old bull!


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...