Monday, May 07, 2018

No.51: Typewriter of the Day - 1958 Olympia SM3 Deluxe

No.51: TOTD - 1958 Olympia SM3 Deluxe

The two tone machines are beautiful, this particular model from 1958 is in marvelous condition.  Looking at it you can see very little wear. The original owner typed with it in the case, removing the top.  I can see marks where the owners wrists rested on the case bottom.  I am moving this to my permanent collection.  Here is a picture:

Looking at who used an Olympia SM3 for their work I found Woody Allen on Richard Polt's site.
He may no longer be politically correct but he is a great writer and filmmaker.  I understand he still uses this typewriter.  One interesting connection I have with Woody Allen is that I saw him walking by the Forum on Rome in 2011. 

Suzuki Wants Jail For Wrong Climate Thinkers | Climate Dispatch

Suzuki Wants Jail For Wrong Climate Thinkers | Climate Dispatch:

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This is the guy getting an honorary Doctorate from U of A.  We are crazy and doomed.


Trump Rips Mueller's "13 Angry Democrats", Hints At Coming Revelation About DOJ "Conflicts Of Interest" | Zero Hedge

Trump Rips Mueller's "13 Angry Democrats", Hints At Coming Revelation About DOJ "Conflicts Of Interest" | Zero Hedge:

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Here is more on Mueller from Zero Hedge.


Coup Update: In No Apparent Rush, the Grand Inquisitor Plods On | Unexamined Premises

In No Apparent Rush, the Grand Inquisitor Plods On | Unexamined Premises:

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For all of you interested in the attempted Coup underway in the Unitied States, here is a great article discussing Mueller's actions and path forward.


Coup Update: Rudy Giuliani on Possibility John Kerry Is 'Violating' the Logan Act: 'Nobody Seems to Care' | Breitbart

Rudy Giuliani on Possibility John Kerry Is 'Violating' the Logan Act: 'Nobody Seems to Care' | Breitbart:

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Here is why noone cares; Kerry was not effective when he was the Secretary of State.  Now that he is retired you think his ability to deal has improved.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...