Saturday, April 28, 2018

Switch asthma inhalers to cut climate change | News | The Times

Switch asthma inhalers to cut climate change | News | The Times:

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I didn't download the entire article but this points to the fact that the people complaining have NO sense of science such as chemistry  or math.  WE are lead by dummies and we are doomed.


Switch asthma inhalers to cut climate change | News | The Times

Switch asthma inhalers to cut climate change | News | The Times:

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I didn't download the entire article but this points to the fact that the people complaining have NO sense of science such as chemistry  or math.  WE are lead by dummies and we are doomed.


Friday, April 27, 2018

Okotoks Planning For Climate Change -

Okotoks Planning For Climate Change -

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Today the Google is supplying a bunch of stories about climate change catastrophes approaching mankind.  Most are ridiculous.  This story for instance, the town of Okotoks allowed developers to build houses on a flood plain, they flooded a few years ago damaging or destroying millions of dollars of houses.  No one takes responsibility for the bad or worse decision rather they hide behind "Climate Change".  We have zoning rules for a reason and politicians cannot bend the rules in their constant ques to hover up tax dollars.  We are doomed by corruption and ignorance.


Hopes of solving Trans Mountain impasse dim as B.C. seeks new powers to curb pipeline | Financial Post

Hopes of solving Trans Mountain impasse dim as B.C. seeks new powers to curb pipeline | Financial Post:

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With all of the politicians slow-walking the Trans Mountain looping project into oblivion they will bring the country to crisis that will hurt everyone in the pocket book particularly if you live in British Columbia.  Horgan the Premier of the NPDP/Green coalition government, can be happy with the short term result, the Kinder Morgan project will wither and be cancelled because of the slow-walking by the Feds and the Province. 

The Greenies in Quebec managed to kill Energy East  using this game plan, but western Canadian oil wasn't critical to their energy supply they already buy all of their crude at tidewater or the US.  Their only pain is that they have to pay Brent for their imports but they remain smug that they don't rely on les anglais for their crude oil supply. 

British Columbia is another matter.  If things continue to degenerate the NDP government of BC will force the NDP government of Alberta to ratchet up the dispute by cutting exports to BC.  It's nice to see the internecine fight start.  It is however kabuki theater, meaninglessness action  The exception is the price of gasoline. This is going to cause gasoline prices to spike in the Province (regular in Fernie is already $1.40/Litre) which won't cause the BC NDP to change it's policy but it will give the citizens of the oil producing provinces the pleasure of watching the west coast luddites really  pay to drive their cars.  Will we see $2.00/Litre in Vancouver and the lower mainland?  Get the popcorn and enjoy the show.


Golden State Killer suspect traced using genealogy websites - BBC News

Golden State Killer suspect traced using genealogy websites - BBC News:

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The Night Stalker may have been caught.  Thanks goes to 23 and Me.  It is an interesting turn in a real cold case.  I thought he was was dead by now.


How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today | Zero Hedge

How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today | Zero Hedge:

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Thought provoking article.


British Police Give Ominous Warning on Speaking About Alfie Evans | Trending

British Police Give Ominous Warning on Speaking About Alfie Evans | Trending:

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I was going to let the British Issue drop, it was getting monotonous but this brings it back.  Here is a reason to not visit Britain.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...