Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Pipeline turmoil could hit average British Columbians in wallets | The Province

Pipeline turmoil could hit average British Columbians in wallets | The Province:

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Interesting speculation as the political leadership slowwalk the Kinder-Morgan Transmoutain looping project into extinction.  The politicians and the vocal greenies are going the carry the blame for this.


Image result for Image I love alberta oil

Monday, April 23, 2018

Captain Capitalism: David Hogg's 15 Minutes of Fame is Over

Captain Capitalism: David Hogg's 15 Minutes of Fame is Over:

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Nobody says it like the Cappy.


No. 44 Typewriter of the Day - Speedwriter 235

No. 44: TOTD - Speedwriter 235

Well a new weeks starts and it's time for a new typewriter of the day.  Today's machine is a Speedwriter 235.  I am calling it a 235 since that is the Commodore Model.  This machine is perfect and a time-capsule , almost unused, pristine condition and the case came with even the brushed, cleaning rag and a note on how to unpack it is 6 languages.  I had the machine overhauled by Eustace and put it away without typing on it.  My mistake but I just didn't have time at then.  It is now going in my permanent collection it is so perfect.

Here is a picture for you:

I am not going to look for a writer who used a Speedwriter, it is such a limited issue that they didn't seem to break into the North American or English markets.  I will keep looking.  If you are interested you can find out more on X over it.



Antifa Protesters Arrested In Georgia For Refusing To Remove Masks

Antifa Protesters Arrested In Georgia For Refusing To Remove Masks:

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Now this has to be the funny story of the day.


Sunday, April 22, 2018

No. 43 - Typewriter of the Day: Remington Travel-riter

No. 43 - TOTD: Remington Travel-riter

It's Sunday and the topics I follow are a quiet.  A solution is to put in another typewriter of the day into the blog.  Remingtons are true workhorses, in particular the Quiet-riters, the other machines in their lines are also interesting.  The Travel-riters are a smaller machine, more portable and probably they were a lot cheaper to purchase.  Today's machine is a later model of the Travel-riter, still all metal and still with the same functions as the earlier machines of the same line including a key with the degree sign and division character; you don't see that key at all on any other machine.  There is no tab function and no paper guide so it is stripped to the basics.  I am keeping this machine in the permanent collection.

Here is a picture.

Looking at the records I cannot find a reference to anyone who uses this model but I will keep looking.  It types very well and seems to be almost unused.


Claim: Climate Skeptics Think What Elites Tell Them to Think | Watts Up With That?

Claim: Climate Skeptics Think What Elites Tell Them to Think | Watts Up With That?:

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The 4 Biggest Future Dangers for America That You've Never Heard Of | Lifestyle

The 4 Biggest Future Dangers for America That You've Never Heard Of | Lifestyle:

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Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the basement here are some serious threats to think about.  I personally think that the threat of robotics is the nearest term threat.  With robotics reducing the need for a workforce we can cause a demand problem; workers are consumers, robots are not.  Robotics will allow for increased lower cost production but if there is less demand for the products the prices will have to be reduced.  Also, except for the baby issue the robotics and AI issues will be dealt with by the EMP attacks.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease https://www.zerohedge.com/political/net-zero-cure-far-worse-disease We are now going to fa...