Tuesday, April 17, 2018

No.41 - Typewriter of the Day: Smith Corona Silent Super 1958

No. 41 - TOTD Smith Corona Silent Super

This tan machine was made in 1958.  It needs a better cleaning the Heinz gave it, everything was a bit stiff when I opened it up but it seems to be is very good condition with no damage.  I will have to use it some more, right now I am warming it up.  It was interesting to have both the pamphlet for the machine and the typing notes that Smith Corona offered their customers.

Looking onto the web I see that another writer who used a Silent Super was
Dr Seuss or as known to Adults Theodore Seuss Geisel.  Thanks again to Richard Polt and his site for help in finding the info.

How Bad Is The Government's Science? | Climate Dispatch

How Bad Is The Government's Science? | Climate Dispatch:

'via Blog this'

Politicized science is not science it is just propaganda in support of Government policy.  We are in trouble when we lower the bar on scientific research.  The inability to reproduce results reported is the heart of the matter.  Like errors in math it makes the results irrelevant.  It is examples like this that destroy to confidence in Government.  They believe this bogus science and want us to believe it as well.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease https://www.zerohedge.com/political/net-zero-cure-far-worse-disease We are now going to fa...