Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Steele Goes Dark; Ditches London Court Appearance Following Criminal Referral By US Senate | Zero Hedge

Steele Goes Dark; Ditches London Court Appearance Following Criminal Referral By US Senate | Zero Hedge:

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More information on the Steele of "Peeing Prostitute" fame.


Jackie Mason Shreds Celebrity Anti-Trump Hysteria: Do They 'Ever Get Tired of Sounding So Stupid?'

Jackie Mason Shreds Celebrity Anti-Trump Hysteria: Do They 'Ever Get Tired of Sounding So Stupid?':

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And here is Jackie.  Jackie Mason gives his take on the Democrats and the State of the Union Address.



Intel Memo Mystery: John McCain Pushed 'Pee' Dossier to FBI Months After Feds Already Used It to Gain FISA Warrant

Intel Memo Mystery: John McCain Pushed 'Pee' Dossier to FBI Months After Feds Already Used It to Gain FISA Warrant:

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Moe on the FBI and the "Peeing Prostitute" file.


Captain Capitalism

Captain Capitalism:

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Scared of the market falling - here is the Cappy with a great lesson.


The Jordan Peterson Phenomenon | Trending

The Jordan Peterson Phenomenon | Trending:

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If you follow Jordan Peterson you will enjoy this essay.  If you are a Neo-Marxist PLEASE GO TO YOUR SAFESPACE AND TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER.


In March 2016 Carter Page Was an FBI Employee – In October 2016 FBI Told FISA Court He’s a Spy… | The Last Refuge

In March 2016 Carter Page Was an FBI Employee – In October 2016 FBI Told FISA Court He’s a Spy… | The Last Refuge:

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Oh the tangled webs we weave.  Here is a backgrounder on Carter Page and his work with the FBI.  Thanks to SmallDeadAnimals for picking this up.


In March 2016 Carter Page Was an FBI Employee – In October 2016 FBI Told FISA Court He’s a Spy… | The Last Refuge

In March 2016 Carter Page Was an FBI Employee – In October 2016 FBI Told FISA Court He’s a Spy… | The Last Refuge:

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Oh the tangled webs we weave.  Here is a backgrounder on Carter Page and his work with the FBI.  Thanks to SmallDeadAnimals for picking this up.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease https://www.zerohedge.com/political/net-zero-cure-far-worse-disease We are now going to fa...