Thursday, October 19, 2017

Recent CO2 Climate Sensitivity Estimates Continue Trending Towards Zero

Recent CO2 Climate Sensitivity Estimates Continue Trending Towards Zero:

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You need to read this.  The old adage GIGO, garbage in garbage out, which evolved out of the early days of computing and which was especially important to remember when doing modeling on a computer has come back with the CO2 assumptions that the early Climate Players used to create some excitement about their models. 

Thanks to SmallDeadAnimals for finding this article.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Bombshell: Robert Mueller Kept FBI Investigation Into Clinton Russia Corruption a Secret Just as the Obama Administration Confirmed the Uranium One Deal

Bombshell: Robert Mueller Kept FBI Investigation Into Clinton Russia Corruption a Secret Just as the Obama Administration Confirmed the Uranium One Deal:

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Oh the tangled webs we weave.  The Uranium One deal is going to become a very big problem for HRC and for Robert Mueller.  It is amazing to see how closely everyone worked in the Obama Administration.  For all of us on the outside this is a lesson, a bad lesson, about how you get to ride in the limousin and fly first class, if you have moral turpitude.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

SJW Talks About Why He's Afraid of Other SJWs | Trending

SJW Talks About Why He's Afraid of Other SJWs | Trending:

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Thanks PJ Media for finding this.  Get some coffee sit back and enjoy.


Car-Bomb Kills "One-Woman WikiLeaks" Who Led The Panama Papers Revelations | Zero Hedge

Car-Bomb Kills "One-Woman WikiLeaks" Who Led The Panama Papers Revelations | Zero Hedge:

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Well this is a sad story.  Sad to see that Carauna Galizia was murdered for the work she did uncovering the crimes of the entrenched politicians and bureaucrats sad also for everyone else because it tells you that the elite are willing to stop at nothing to keep their comfy game going.  Let's hope that some policeman somewhere has the balls to solve this.


Monday, October 16, 2017

oz.Typewriter - Clare Hollington


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I had to add this - Clare Hollington, a British reporter was present at the very start of World War 2.

The anniversary of her birthday is a good time to think about typewriters.  I Understand that Tom Hanks new collection of short stories "Uncommon Type". I have to get a copy.



Low Public Approval of President Trump Yet... | Scott Adams' Blog

Low Public Approval of President Trump Yet... | Scott Adams' Blog:

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Scott Adams looks at Trump's perception amongst the US Voters.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...