Thursday, November 03, 2016

Did the Earth Move for You? :: SteynOnline

Did the Earth Move for You? :: SteynOnline:

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Good Evening:

What ever happens on Tuesday such as a Trump win, I will have to prepare myself to move on to topics that will exist post election.  Here is Mark Steyn's latest post on the dark world of the Global Warming Industry.


The FBI’s Hillary email probe is looking even more like a coverup | New York Post

The FBI’s Hillary email probe is looking even more like a coverup | New York Post:

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Here is the New York Post's view of the FBI's HRC email investigation.


WikiLeaks: Clinton Debate Prep Included Visual Instructions, Explained When to Wave - Breitbart

WikiLeaks: Clinton Debate Prep Included Visual Instructions, Explained When to Wave - Breitbart:

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Just in case you think that HRC is a spontaneous, off the cuff speaker.....


Has A Nominee Ever Taken Office While Under FBI Investigation? | The Daily Caller

Has A Nominee Ever Taken Office While Under FBI Investigation? | The Daily Caller:

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Good Morning:

Here is the big question.  No matter what happens Tuesday the Clinton reign is over.


Wednesday, November 02, 2016

WikiLeaks: Peter Kadzik Leaked Email Investigation Intel to Hillary Clinton Campaign

WikiLeaks: Peter Kadzik Leaked Email Investigation Intel to Hillary Clinton Campaign:

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OMG - It never stops.


CNN Dumped Donna Brazile. It Should Keep Going. - POLITICO Magazine

CNN Dumped Donna Brazile. It Should Keep Going. - POLITICO Magazine:

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I have to get back to work but I have to say this Politico article has a point.  Where are the real journalists?  Is it even possible to get a balanced thoughtful Graduate out of a journalism school today. Most of the Schools have become politicized to the point where even, insightful, intelligent comment is not the norm.

What we have learned from Wikileaks is that our feeling that the entire political process is fixed, from the leaders through to the commentators, they are all in on the same scam; maintaining firm control, at any price, of political power and all of the perks they enjoy.


Presidential polls today: Nov. 2 polls show Hillary Clinton with edge over Donald Trump

Presidential polls today: Nov. 2 polls show Hillary Clinton with edge over Donald Trump:

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Good Morning:

Looking through the latest I found this happy little outlier poll.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...