Monday, October 31, 2016

Chicago Report: 119 Dead People Voted 229 Times, Say City Records - Breitbart

Chicago Report: 119 Dead People Voted 229 Times, Say City Records - Breitbart:

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Here is a little more on voter fraud - dead people voting.  Got to love the Chicago Machine.


CNN Cans Donna Brazile: ‘Uncomfortable with What We Have Learned’

CNN Cans Donna Brazile: ‘Uncomfortable with What We Have Learned’:

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Well when you can embarrass CNN into firing Donna Brazile, aven at this late date, you can see the value in Wikileaks.  Without Wikileaks the cushy relationship between Dem Operatives and CNN would have continued for a long time, until their ratings went to zero.


Blog: The Bill and Loretta Show

Blog: The Bill and Loretta Show:

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We can't forget the meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch on the runway in Phoenix.  This one event really set to tone as American Thinker points out.




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Harry Reid - you couldn't make this up - spin man for HRC.


Occam's Weiner :: SteynOnline

Occam's Weiner :: SteynOnline:

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Mark Steyn has a great analysis of Anthony's email "Life Insurance".


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...