Monday, October 24, 2016

Articles: Have the Russians hacked Hillary Clinton’s eyes?

Articles: Have the Russians hacked Hillary Clinton’s eyes?:

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Good Morning:

Here is something I missed on the line - the issue again of HRC's eyes at her Cleveland rally. It's good to see someone was watching.



Sunday, October 23, 2016

On some things, you just do not compromise. This is why I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. | US Politics | The News Hub

On some things, you just do not compromise. This is why I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. | US Politics | The News Hub:

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Sunday's are great - work doesn't interfere with blogging.

As the US election approaches we are starting to see clarity of thought - The DEMs may be able to put out another pay for play women to claim that Donald Trump groped her in an elevator on on the subway but the gambit has faded as people concentration on the real question of - do you want more of the same or do you want change.  Here is a great article that puts the case change forward well.


OB-GYN to Hillary Clinton: 'No Medical Situation' Requires Late-Term Abortion, C-Section Delivery Is Safer

OB-GYN to Hillary Clinton: 'No Medical Situation' Requires Late-Term Abortion, C-Section Delivery Is Safer:

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As a man you are not allowed to comment on abortion, right to life or a woman's right to choose without setting yourself up as a giant misogynistic pinata.  Men have been excluded from the conversation since abortion went public.  After the Third debate, where late term abortions were discussed openly, thank you Donald Trump for having the balls to talk about this, everyone can now lay into the topic.

Say what you will but late term abortions are murder.  It is term to limit the time periods when any abortion can occur.  Perhaps the Brazilians are correct in their interpretation that a person is born on thier time of conception.


Hillary’s pay-to-play problem, de Blasio’s blind spot on mental health, and other commentary | New York Post

Hillary’s pay-to-play problem, de Blasio’s blind spot on mental health, and other commentary | New York Post:

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A thing that always offended me and many other people is the "pay to play" issue with the political elites. It can be such a simple thing as a campaign  donation and then the right to get direct access as a "friend" or it can be a blatant as the Clinton Foundation selling access to the next POTUS.  Either way it is something that shows corruption we have all recognized and it remains a pissoff for the average citizen.


WATCH: Camera Mysteriously Cuts Away As Hillary Descends Stairs | National Enquirer

WATCH: Camera Mysteriously Cuts Away As Hillary Descends Stairs | National Enquirer:

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Well you thought that things would quiet down but here is an interesting little note from the National Enquirer.


1000 Page Views - a Milestone

Well who would have ever thought that we would reach the milestone of 1000 page views.  Blogs are so far off the radar the search engines can never find them so it shows viewers, like yourself, really do comb the net for news.  I hope that you have enjoyed my posts.



The Dangers of Hillary Clinton - The New York Times

The Dangers of Hillary Clinton - The New York Times:

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Good Morning:

Well who would ever have thought that thic point of view could come out of the New York Times.

This ladies and gentlemen is the turning point in the campaign.  The establishment press re-aligning itself is the sign that the tide has turned and HRC cannot garner enough support to put her is the White House. I am going the lose my $300 bet to my friends Graham and Greg.



The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...