Monday, October 03, 2016

Hillary Health Shocker! - The New York Times

Hillary Health Shocker! - The New York Times:

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Good Evening:

Just installed a new search engine Duck Duck which, though the name is asinine, is ranked as the number one search engine of 2016.  My IT guru Mohamad had recommended it and he was right.

The link above is from the New York Times and is a spoof on the health issues faced by HRC.  Nice to see the time and ink spent on a not funny little spoof for the elite.   Don't bother reading, it is time not well spent.



Hillary Clinton’s Health: What Could Be Causing Her Coughing Fits?

Hillary Clinton’s Health: What Could Be Causing Her Coughing Fits?:

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Good Morning:

Last night looking at Brietbart I came across the latest report of HRC's coughing coming back during a speech in Florida.  I found this article which has a video and discussion for the record.



Sunday, October 02, 2016

Hundredth Post! Trump, Clinton, Trudeau the younger and the battle with the Elites

The political situation in the the United States today and in Canada tomorrow is the disconnect the political process and its control by the elites and privileged and the normal citizens who remain largely distanced from their government.  It is this division that is fascinating.

Hillary's ascension to the the position of presidential candidate was preordained by the DNC and the socio-politic elites.  They owed her for Barack Obama's presidency and they want to make history again with the first Female President of the United States.  This is in the face of her background with scandals and questions that remain unanswered, from the Clinton Foundation, to the email abuse, Benghazi, Iranian Nuclear negotiations etc and so on.  These issues should in a normal world make her unelectable but the elites push her forward and the media work hard to polish her image and cover over and explain her issues rather then question them.  What happens, however, if the scripted plans of the of the elite through the DNC and MSM pushes a candidate who has physically aged to the point where she is mentally or physically unable to handle the office and this is hidden prior to the election?  Will she take power or are we looking at her running mate as the actual next President or should they have backed a different candidate?  

It's important to think about this on the anniversary of Woodrow Wilson's stroke on this day in 1919, 97 years ago.



Saturday, October 01, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Health: What Could Be Causing Her Coughing Fits?

Hillary Clinton’s Health: What Could Be Causing Her Coughing Fits?:

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Good evening:

Looks like the coughing fits are drawing the news.  I thought these had been medicated off the radar screen, I guess not.



CNN hypocrisy? Flashback to when network fat shamed Miss Universe Alicia Machado | Fox News

CNN hypocrisy? Flashback to when network fat shamed Miss Universe Alicia Machado | Fox News:

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Hello Again:

Here is a midday update for all of you that couldn't get CNN's previous coverage of Miss Universe out of you minds.  Oh how things have changed at the Clinton News Network.



Voters Continue To Question Stamina As Hillary Fends Off Another Coughing Fit

Voters Continue To Question Stamina As Hillary Fends Off Another Coughing Fit:

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Good Morning:

It seems people are accusing the Google of hiding HRC news that is not supportive of her campaign for the POTUS.  They may be right, I almost gave up my news search and even tried Bing for a while but perseverance paid up.    Here is an article about last night in Florida.



Friday, September 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton Robot Clap Raises Health Worries: Alicia Machado Exposed

Hillary Clinton Robot Clap Raises Health Worries: Alicia Machado Exposed:

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Good Afternoon:

I hadn't bothered to watch HRH and Bernie speaking. My evening was taken up with Jay's baseball and the CNN team last night as they spent the entire evening trying to trash Trump; it would have been dangerous for Trump except that only a small viewership of diehard Dem's CNN.

This new observation is interesting and the medical pundits will obviously have more to diagnose.



The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...