Sunday, January 20, 2013

Obama's Greatest Achievement Might Be Destroying the Media

The Decline and Irrelevance of MSM

Obama's Greatest Achievement Might Be Destroying the Media:

'via Blog this'

Good Morning:
Here is a article from Brietbart that looks at the problem of the financial collapse of MSM and the co-relation  of  a sycophantic press and broadcasting industry that nolonger does their classic jobs of reporting and commenting on the news but are more involved in spreading their own ideological point of view.  This lack of critical reporting and analysis does leave them irrelevant to the mean stream readers who once were their customers.



Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why I Brought Piers Morgan That 'Little Book'

For the since the end of the Super Storm and after the Sandy Hook tragedy we have had to watch CNN act as the point-man on the leftest movement to end the 2nd Amendment of United States Constitution.  Piers Morgan is the lead on this issue and as a Brit can act the part of a stranger looking in to political and cultural tradition of the United States.  Have a read of the seminal interview Piers undertook.


Why I Brought Piers Morgan That 'Little Book':

'via Blog this'

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Frozen China!

Just found this interesting post on Small Dead Animals:

Have a look:

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Agenda 21 -- More discussion

Back again Looking at Agenda 21 again tonight we can see the following points of concern

Clause 1.3 refers the fact that the UN feels that it is addressing "pressing problems" and they feel they are preparing the world for the "challenges" of the next century and that it "Reflects a global consensus and political commitment".  The problem with this is that we are talking about an organization that is hard pressed to point to any significant accomplishments and the overplay of the consensus, probably 98 percent of the world's population has no a clue about what the UN is up to and is much more concerned with it's daily problems not what the UN thinks will happen in the furture.

Clause 1.4 sets out the the First World is going to pay for the emerging nations problems and also that they are also going to be funding the organisations that are going to assist in carrying this out.  have you ever wondered why NGOs emerged and how they function without having to raise their own funds, they are going to be sponsored by taxpayers through their respective governments contributions  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Agenda 21 - Glen Beck and the United Nations

Just finished watching Glen Beck talking about Agenda 21 on the Brian Lilley show ByLine with Brian Lilley and the story about UN's Article 21 was being discussed.  Glen Beck has just finished publishing a novel he co-wrote called Agenda 21.  Since it's news and it's interesting let's have a look.

1) Here is the actual information from the


2) What are the key objectives of Agenda 21?  Looking at the preamble we see the following Malthusian issues, the world needs to be remodeled both economically and environmentally the world is getting worse and the UN is going to solve the problems.  A stark view and jaw jaw boys are going to solve the problems.
This seems to be the standard dark view of the world held by the left leaning side of politics.  In particular they are going to improve everyone's standard of living in a global partnership by integrating the environment with economic development.  As someone said, what we need more un-elected government?

Clause 1.2 pins Agenda 21 on UN General Assembly resolution 44/228 of December 22, 1989 which set up all of the UN conferences on Environment and Development.

here is the link for the entire resolution;

Agenda 21 was developed and approved at the Rio Conference in 1992.   What a business we have developed.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Bill Whittle's advice


Here is something that my friend Ed sent me and I want to share.


PS Copy the link and it should work.

Okay, a confession, I have discovered I am addicted to Blogging and even though that this blog is so old I am still going to use it.

Let's Blog!

The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...