Monday, July 29, 2019

'IN DANGER' Jeffrey Epstein’s life ‘in jeopardy’ as powerful pals ‘don’t want their secrets out’, victim’s lawyer claims


Jeffrey Epstein’s life ‘in jeopardy’ as powerful pals ‘don’t want their secrets out’, victim’s lawyer claims

Don't piss off the Clintons.


PBS Aired ‘Rat Film’ Documentary About Baltimore’s Rodent Problem in 2018

PBS Aired ‘Rat Film’ Documentary About Baltimore’s Rodent Problem in 2018

I have seen rats in Vancouver and Rome.  I never took them seriously because I live in Alberta - about the only rat free place in the world.  Who would have thought that Baltimore would join LA in rat fame.


Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ebola outbreak unstoppable as victims REFUSE treatment fearing Govt ‘behind disease’

Ebola outbreak unstoppable as victims REFUSE treatment fearing Govt ‘behind disease’

This is how disease can get embedded in a community.  This and the high mobility we now have in the world is why we are in danger.  Wash your hands.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Fake Science Of Global Warming

The Fake Science Of Global Warming

Great points on a dose of reality and scientific method.


Plague Cases in California: What's Behind the Rise?

Plague Cases in California: What's Behind the Rise?

Interested in Bubonic Plague?  Here is a backgrounder.  In addition to Eboa we will monitor this situation.


Weiner Bounces Back Into Huma's Life

Weiner Bounces Back Into Huma's Life

Who would have ever thought this would happen.  Funny how the left can resurrect their fallen bad; think about Al Franken on the road to redemption.


Monday, July 22, 2019

Dutch Journalist Maligned By TED Head Office For WrongThink

Dutch Journalist Maligned By TED Head Office For WrongThink

Wrong think!  This is the problem with the state of our world, science and even good journalists (there has always been "Yellow Journalists) are being pushed by the fanatics.  This isn't new and it isn't terminal, the good science and truth will always win out.


"I've Had Many Strange Experiences In My Life" - Inside Epstein's 'Honey Trap' On E 71st Street

"I've Had Many Strange Experiences In My Life" - Inside Epstein's 'Honey Trap' On E 71st Street

This may or not be true but it is an interesting look at Epstein's MO.


Mueller, 'Meddling', & The Routing Of The RussiaGate Narrative

Mueller, 'Meddling', & The Routing Of The RussiaGate Narrative

This is a story with no legs anymore and nothing is going to save the Dems on this issue.  It's over.


Sunday, July 21, 2019

Read this: Gramscian damage

Gramscian damage

I was led to this link by SmallDeadAnimals.  What a terrific essay and here is the greatest part it was written in 2006.  It could have been written today!  Pour a coffee sit back and enjoy.


Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says

Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says

Tired of watching the slow march of Ebola through Africa and into the First world?  Here is something you can sink you teeth into and relate to, a potential plague in Los Angles.  Since nothing is going to change under the leadership of local and state governments this problem is coming at us.  I

I'd say wash your hands but this disease is a little more complicated.


Saturday, July 20, 2019

How Long Is Jeffrey Epstein For This World?

How Long Is Jeffrey Epstein For This World?

This is a good question - bury the problem.


Ebola Watch: Ebola outbreak in five graphics

Ebola outbreak in five graphics

Here is a great backgrounder on Ebola.  

Thanks Linden for forwarding this to me.


PS Wash your hands and stay off public transit.

Ebola Watch: World at risk of Ebola 'plane plague' spreading on flights: 'Everyone's at risk'

World at risk of Ebola 'plane plague' spreading on flights: 'Everyone's at risk'

Wash your hands and stay off public transit.


Donald Trump Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Planting American Flag on the Moon

Donald Trump Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Planting American Flag on the Moon

Amazing to think it was 5 years ago!


Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hacked Emails: Hillary Campaign Monitored News about Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton

Hacked Emails: Hillary Campaign Monitored News about Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton

Wikileaks is a gift that keeps on giving.


Flat Earthers? America’s Apollo Astronauts Are Climate Realists

Flat Earthers? America’s Apollo Astronauts Are Climate Realists

NASA had better follow their guys advice.  They also need to find the plans for the Atlas 5 so they can get back to the moon.


You Don’t Need A Science Degree To Know That Global Warming ‘Science’ Is Fake

You Don’t Need A Science Degree To Know That Global Warming ‘Science’ Is Fake

Great article, Global Warming is a religion not a science.


Ebola Watch: Ebola outbreak in Congo declared an international health emergency by World Health Organization

Ebola outbreak in Congo declared an international health emergency by World Health Organization

Well at least this is getting some attention.  Too bad the problem is centred in the worst part of Africa.

Wash your hands.


Thursday, July 11, 2019

Ebola Watch: A new wave of violence in DRC could cause Ebola to spiral out of control

A new wave of violence in DRC could cause Ebola to spiral out of control

More chaos in the DRC.  Wash your hands.


Epstein's Elite Wall Street Ties Revealed In Filing

Epstein's Elite Wall Street Ties Revealed In Filing

What a murky story.


Chuck Schumer Took Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars In Donations From Jeffrey Epstein

Chuck Schumer Took Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars In Donations From Jeffrey Epstein



Alleged Sex-Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein Donated Heavily to Dems, Including the Clintons, Schumer, and Kerry

Alleged Sex-Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein Donated Heavily to Dems, Including the Clintons, Schumer, and Kerry

All the bad boys are dem donors.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Ebola Watch: Merck’s Ebola vaccine helps combat deadly outbreak in the Congo as the virus spreads

Merck’s Ebola vaccine helps combat deadly outbreak in the Congo as the virus spreads

Hopefully this works.  Still wash your hands and stay off public transit.


Coffee Bean Apocalypse Called Off As Surplus Sends Prices Tumbling

Coffee Bean Apocalypse Called Off As Surplus Sends Prices Tumbling

OMG - a shortage coming in 30 years!  How will be able to survive such a dire prediction.


Bombshell: Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

Bombshell: Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

Hmmmmm..... very interesting.


Vanity Fair: Trump Knew Jeffrey Epstein Had Incriminating Photos of Bill Clinton

Vanity Fair: Trump Knew Jeffrey Epstein Had Incriminating Photos of Bill Clinton

Nothing like hot pix; this will keep everyone on their toes in Washington.


Democrat Congresswoman Flips on Keeping Epstein Contributions

Democrat Congresswoman Flips on Keeping Epstein Contributions

Looks like a case of nerves.  


Exclusive–Mike Cernovich: Media Only Covers Epstein Case to Attack Trump

Exclusive–Mike Cernovich: Media Only Covers Epstein Case to Attack Trump

This is going to be a very interesting story, it has all of the ingredients.  It is very interesting to watch the Dems try to distance themselves from Epstein, a big Dem donor.  Bill is going to want to know what the definition od a "trip is".


Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Ann Coulter: Media Magic — How a Democrat Pedophile Became a ‘Trump Scandal’

Ann Coulter: Media Magic — How a Democrat Pedophile Became a ‘Trump Scandal’

At least CNN will get a little more content.  Orange man bad.


Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats

Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats

The average person knew about these "rumors" years ago.  How come it took so long to purge the wikipedia report?  You have to love the attempt to erase history.  Bad boy and his friends.


Sunday, July 07, 2019

The British Roots Of The Deep State: How The Round Table Infiltrated America

The British Roots Of The Deep State: How The Round Table Infiltrated America

Get another coffee and enjoy this yarn.  The essay relates to the leaks from the British Ambassador to Washington.


Blame Bad Decisions for Crime, Not Structural Racism and Colonialism

Blame Bad Decisions for Crime, Not Structural Racism and Colonialism

Grab a coffee, sit back and read.  In the age of pc double speak and virtue signalling here is a great assay.  Nice to see some balance.


Saturday, July 06, 2019



I can't believe I made it this far.  Thanks for taking the time to join me here.


EU Destroys 1.8 Million Acres Of Rainforest For ‘Green’ Biofuels

EU Destroys 1.8 Million Acres Of Rainforest For ‘Green’ Biofuels

The destruction of rainforest to make palm oil plantations is probably one of the biggest example of how climate regulations and the Greenies have perverted our world.  I guess if you don't live there is doesn't matter to you.  Pissing up the planet to virtue signal is sick.


Friday, July 05, 2019

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Ebola Watch: Ebola case reported near South Sudan border

Ebola case reported near South Sudan border

Coming to a border near you.  Wash your hands.


Going Undercover With The Greenies At Glastonbury Festival

Going Undercover With The Greenies At Glastonbury Festival

Interesting essay by James Delingpole about his visit to the Glastonbury Festival.  Climate alarmism is a religion!

Content Warning: there is a picture of a dying eagle, hit by a windmill blade so don't look if you are a snowflake.


Monday, July 01, 2019

Victor Davis Hanson: Democrats’ ‘California Credo’ for America Is a ‘Road Warrior’ Vision

Victor Davis Hanson: Democrats’ ‘California Credo’ for America Is a ‘Road Warrior’ Vision

I have to add this to the record.  Victor Davis Hanson is an oracle for us to learn from.


Journalist Andy Ngo Assaulted by Antifa Protesters in Portland

Journalist Andy Ngo Assaulted by Antifa Protesters in Portland

Here's what is wrong.  You can't be allowed to wear masks and the police have to do their jobs.  If it doesn't change someone is going to get killed.  This bulleyboy behaviour is why you need to stay away from Portland Oregon, it is just not safe.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...