Friday, April 26, 2019

Carbon Is Not Synonymous With Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Is Not Synonymous With Carbon Dioxide

Well I drew a contact blank yesterday, It seems we are back on the rails now.  I watch Scott Adams' periscope blog everyday and I now get what he means with a "no news day".

Coup Update: Strzok/Page Texts Suggest Effort to Recruit White House Staffers to Spy on Trump Team

Strzok/Page Texts Suggest Effort to Recruit White House Staffers to Spy on Trump Team

A lesson in understanding the context of their texts.  These two keep on giving.


The universe is expanding faster than we thought, and no one knows why

The universe is expanding faster than we thought, and no one knows why

Now tell me again, Climate Change/Global Warming is settled science?


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Climate Change And The Ten Warning Signs For Cults

Climate Change And The Ten Warning Signs For Cults

Here is a very accurate review of the Climate Cult.  I think we all need to know how we can help our friends who suffer from this to recover, we don't want another Jonestown.  Oh wait we still can't solve TDS.


Saturday, April 20, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019

Things That Can't Go on Forever Simply Don't

Things That Can't Go on Forever Simply Don't

Victor Davis Hanson is the leader of American thinkers.  This essay is worth the time to read, the time to reflect and the time to discuss with your friends and family over this easter weekend.


EXCLUSIVE: Google Leftists Panic About Leaks, Threaten Employment of Colleagues

EXCLUSIVE: Google Leftists Panic About Leaks, Threaten Employment of Colleagues

Don't be evil?


The Three Colors of Martyrdom

The Three Colors of Martyrdom

Here us Richard Fernandez's latest essay in PJ Media.  This is a great discussion of the struggles we face in our battle's with the neo-marxists who want to destroy modern civilization.  Grab a coffee an enjoy.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ebola Watch: DR Congo: President Warns Citizens Ebola ‘Not an Imaginary Disease’

DR Congo: President Warns Citizens Ebola ‘Not an Imaginary Disease’

No Kidding!  Stay off public transit and wash your hands!


Nolte: Library Journal Comes out Against Books Guilty of ‘Whiteness’

Nolte: Library Journal Comes out Against Books Guilty of ‘Whiteness’

Let me begin with a confession.  I am a book lover, I read constantly.  I fear the end but since I am old I am not worried about having to live in a politicized dystopian world where your skin color, race, religion and sexuality are your keys to legitimacy as a citizen.  As an older white male I thought that these classifications had been done away with.  I guess I underestimated the extremes of the neo-marxist left.  The spirits of Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin and Mao have returned in the ideologies of our uneducated youth.  I guess we deserve it, we let the hippies take over the education system and break it.  We never took them seriously now they are getting their revenge.

Solution:  When the book burning starts, hide you books.  When companies like Amazon start to censor what they publish or sell stop supporting them.  Pray for a return to enlightenment.


Coup Update: Attorney General William Barr Releases Mueller Report

Attorney General William Barr Releases Mueller Report

This has to in as a waypoint on the DEM/DeepState coup attempt.


Sunday, April 14, 2019

Nolte: History will Damn Hollywood’s Silence as Amazon Blacklists Woody Allen

Nolte: History will Damn Hollywood’s Silence as Amazon Blacklists Woody Allen

Shame!  What are we going to do with these neo-marxist book burner and blacklister.  I am going to stop using Amazon for a while.  I can buy ebooks elsewhere.


Rex Murphy: Apocalypse in Aisle 3 — climate change comes to your grocery store

Rex Murphy: Apocalypse in Aisle 3 — climate change comes to your grocery store

Enjoy Rex.  Climate Barbie and the Libs are a constant source of crazy stuff.


Georgetown Students Pass Mandatory Fee for Slavery Reparation

Georgetown Students Pass Mandatory Fee for Slavery Reparation

Valueless virtue signalling from the snowflakes.  $37 per semester - JOKE.


The Plague of Radical Feminism Descends upon the Nation

The Plague of Radical Feminism Descends upon the Nation

Here is an interesting read - crazy times.   We may be doomed.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Interesting fact: Nothing on CNN about Sanctuary Cities and Illegal Aliens

Interesting fact: Nothing on CNN about Sanctuary Cities and Illegal Aliens

Here is an interesting discovery; CNN is not talking about President Trumps concept to move illegal aliens to sanctuary cities.  I wonder what that means.  Click the link and try the search yourself.


The Legal Narrative Funnel That's Being Used To Extradite Assange

The Legal Narrative Funnel That's Being Used To Extradite Assange

I like Assange, I think Wikileaks serves a very valuable service to humanity.  His persecution is a travesty of justice.  You Journalists that support his persecution need to think seriously what it means about yourselves.  If you did real journalism is differentiated from MSM flack for the left, you would not support government action so easily, it could be you in the cage.

Oh, I forgot, he is guilty of making Empress Clinton lose to #orange man bad.


The Weakening Of Earth's Magnetic Field Has Greatly Accelerated

The Weakening Of Earth's Magnetic Field Has Greatly Accelerated

Well you thought that carbon dioxide was a problem, that's nothing.  This is a problem.


Most Trafficked Mammal at Risk of Extinction, Record Haul Shows

Most Trafficked Mammal at Risk of Extinction, Record Haul Shows

Humans are a bit disgusting.  Chinese herbal medicine is something we have to put behind us before there are no animals left.

Action for Snowflakes: you had better start trying to protect both the species at risks and their habitat.  More useful activity the fussing about the weather.


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Mundi Loco: Only Chinese People Get to Make Chinese Food, or Something

Mundo Loco: Only Chinese People Get to Make Chinese Food, or Something

Neo-marxists have such a problem with the concept of cultural appropriation - funny they only see it working one way. 


Sunday, April 07, 2019

NATURAL JUSTICE Rhino poacher trampled to death by elephants then eaten by lions at Kruger National Park in South Africa


Rhino poacher trampled to death by elephants then eaten by lions at Kruger National Park in South Africa
Well it is a small victory but don't forget Africa is a shith*le.  The Animals are done.


Second Child Sex Offender Unmasked at Drag Queen Story Time, Houston Activists Say

Second Child Sex Offender Unmasked at Drag Queen Story Time, Houston Activists Say

Well you think they would have learned from the last time.  Same old P=pandering and grooming.


Saturday, April 06, 2019

Bufo toad kills another Florida dog as poisonous invader leaps north

Bufo toad kills another Florida dog as poisonous invader leaps north

Yikes - another reason not to go out at night.  There should be a bounty on these babies.


Deadly germs, Lost cures: A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy

Deadly germs, Lost cures: A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy

Now here is a frightening story.  Wash your hands and stay off public transit.


Coup Update: The Russian collusion hoax meets unbelievable end

The Russian collusion hoax meets unbelievable end

We shall see.


How Professional Merit and Scientific Objectivity Became Casualties of Social Justice Insanity

How Professional Merit and Scientific Objectivity Became Casualties of Social Justice Insanity

Grab a coffee, enjoy the read and think about how doomed we are.


Friday, April 05, 2019

Thursday, April 04, 2019

AOC Goes On Bizarre Climate Change Rant, Issues Warning To Her Opposition

AOC Goes On Bizarre Climate Change Rant, Issues Warning To Her Opposition

LESSON:  Never post anything on the web when you are drunk.


We have broken the 8000 View Mark

JUST THE FACTS:  We have broken the 8000 View Mark

Wow 8000 views - who would have ever guessed.  Thanks to followers, viewers and bots that have let us reach this point.

Keep reading - more to come in the future.



Media Breakdown: Years Of Leftist Proselytizing Takes A Toll

Media Breakdown: Years Of Leftist Proselytizing Takes A Toll

As soon as I saw this I had to add it to the record.


Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Congo Ebola outbreak spreading faster than ever: WHO

Congo Ebola outbreak spreading faster than ever: WHO

Stay off public transit and wash your hands.


Hysteria: 'Effectively irreversible': Canada warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, new scientific report shows

Hysteria: 'Effectively irreversible': Canada warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, new scientific report shows

The Canadian government should be embarassed to put out these stories.  Scaring the masses is such a old trick.  The only problem is would you want help from the Libs?  Read the story, one point really stuck out for me, imagine the arctic coast would be ice free for a month.  I think that always happens.


Monday, April 01, 2019

Don’t Have Kids! USA Today’s Climate Freak-Out: ‘War, Famine, Drough

Don’t Have Kids! USA Today’s Climate Freak-Out: ‘War, Famine, Drought'

We are finally coming up with a solution that will work.  Don't have kids.  It will wipe out the human race or at least reduce the human race substantially but it will stop anthropogenic global warming if that in fact is a real concept.  Would be a shame if it wasn't real.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...