Friday, June 29, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Guardian : 205 Feet Of Sea Level Rise By 2095

Guardian : 205 Feet Of Sea Level Rise By 2095

We are just getting ready for the start of the Round of Sixteen at the Wold Cup.  I challenge you to pick the final two teams.  That's hard right?  Now tell me about the value of a prediction for the year 2095?  Mondo Loco!


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Remember Nuclear Winter?

Remember Nuclear Winter?

This article came from Climate Change Dispatch, one of my go to places to check what the Green Catastrophists are up.  Nuclear Winter was a short term fear, I say short term because after a nuclear war who thought they would be alive and who would want to believe so the fear never caught on.  Hot cold the concept is always the same - the end of the word is neigh.

I prefer being warm.


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Coup Update: DOJ Won't Release Top Secret Loretta Lynch Intercepts Suggesting Secret Deal To Rig Clinton Probe

DOJ Won't Release Top Secret Loretta Lynch Intercepts Suggesting Secret Deal To Rig Clinton Probe
What did you think happened on the plane when Lynch met Bill Clinton?


U.S. Judge Throws Out Climate Change Lawsuits Against Big Oil

U.S. Judge Throws Out Climate Change Lawsuits Against Big Oil

This just in.  The first of the Climate Change lawsuits against Exxon-Mobil et al has been thrown out.  Of special interest is that it was thrown out in the San Francisco courthouse, the heartland of the Green movement.

Nice way to start the day - with some sanity.


Monday, June 25, 2018

James Hansen - Patient Zero (Not quite)

For an old guy James Hansen is getting a lot of press.  With the passing of the 30th anniversary of his speech to the US Congress and in the spirit of fair mindedness Here are two links regarding James Hansen.  I like to call him patient zero of the epidemic but perhaps that description needs to be shared among a lot of other Catastrophists.


Sunday, June 24, 2018

The 3oth Anniversary of the Global Warming Hoax

The 3oth Anniversary of the Global Warming Hoax

Here is James Delingpole's article on Jim Hansen and the start of the global warming hoax.  We have wasted so much resource on this ideological attack on civilization.  I think of Hansen and Strong and how the world lost its way.


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Coup Update: Christopher Steele Visited the Sate Department - the peeing Prostitutes were very Popular

The gift that keeps on giving.  You would have never thought that "Golden Showers" would be that popular but it seems everyone wanted to here the story.  It is amazing how many people knew about the Steele Dossier.


Friday, June 22, 2018

Coup Update: DOJ Employee Among Commie Mob that Hounded DHS Secretary out of Mexican Restaurant

Good Morning:

So what is the link between the DOJ and the Washington Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America?  Here is their website.  The DOJ should be investigating them not signing on.  I would like to know who funds them, there is probably not a lot of net worth among the slacker anarchists the are the general members. 


Thursday, June 21, 2018

30 Years Later, ‘Scientists Agree’ Hansen Got It Right. Hardly.

Here is a backgrounder for all of you interested in Hansen's accuracy

When you read this review on Hansen's prediction you can see that climate forecasts may even be less accurate then economic forecasts.  What  a snake oil salesman.



UN body adopts climate change strategy for shipping - Welcome back to the Age of Sail

Welcome back to the age of Sail

You would have to wonder about the United Nations, it seems that the organization has become overtaken by neo-modern Green Fanatics.  When you read their announcement above you would have to wonder how they plan to live out their ideological position.  Shipping changes slowly, the average life of a ship is 25 years from laying the keel to ending up on the beach in India getting cut up f or scrap.  There have been no major changes in propulsion systems other than tweeks on fuel.  When you read this announcement can see how the changes they want were quantified except that the IMO wants to cut total emissions by 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2050.  It appears that the IMO is either planning a tremendous reduction in fleet size to meet these targets, something that will destroy the economics and competitiveness of countries like China to export or they are assuming that we will return to the age of sail.

The other announcement contained in the IMO document is that they will have more meetings to discuss the situation.  Looks like they are just kicking the can down the road.  UN plans are always unattainable.


Chinese Steel passing through Canada to the US usinG NAFTA Rules - EXPLAINED

Chinese Steel passing through Canada to the US usinG NAFTA Rules - EXPLAINED

Now that all the Canadian Nationalists (read primarily Red Tories, Liberals and of course the bastion on anti-americanism the NDP) wrapped themselves in the flag of righteousness over the US tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum the facts regarding passthrough trade in Chinese steel has to come out.  Here is Wilbur Ross's explanation of the situation.  Hiding Chinese goods by rebranding them as Canadian is not acceptable. 


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Are climate realists older whiter and more racsist then the GW Catastrophists?

"Climate Deniers", that should read realists, will have to accept that they are also smarter than the Goofball slackers that make up the vast bulk of the Global Warming Industry and their running dogs. (Thanks Mao.)


Coup Update: Peter Strzok Escorted From the FBI Building Following the OIG Report Finding Evidence of Bias in Texts Between Him and Lisa Page

Peter Strzok Escorted From the FBI Building Following the OIG Report Finding Evidence of Bias in Texts Between Him and Lisa Page:

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Well the blowback for bad behaviour is becoming evident.


Steyer Involved In Anti-Exxon Campaign | Climate Dispatch

Steyer Involved In Anti-Exxon Campaign | Climate Dispatch:

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Here is something for the record.  More information on the "children's crusade" against Exxon-Mobil.  Don't like their products don't drive your car, that will show them.


Experts Give Earth 20 Years Till Doomsday | Climate Dispatch

Experts Give Earth 20 Years Till Doomsday | Climate Dispatch:

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I have always loved the end of the world Catastrophists. My Grandpa was one, he wanted to see the end of the world but probably would have been satisfied with another Great Depression. That always made me wonder what he thought about his family.  who would wish that on their kin?

In my lifetime, nw not so short, we have lived with lived through the atom bomb, the Club of Rome, the population bomb,  WMDs, peak oil, acid rain, CFCs and the Ozone Layer, Ebola and the numerous permutations of Global Warming.  Luckily all of these scares proved to be false alarms. We know from real catastrophes that you don't want to nor will you live a real geological extinction.

Have a great day and thank your lucky stars.


Monday, June 18, 2018

The Skeptics are dying off - Will the Catastrophists win?

The Skeptics are dying off - Will the Catastrophists win?

The Skeptics may be dying out but the Climate Catastrophists are going to go broke.  Climate funding and carbon taxes in their various forms will dry up.  The two concepts were self supporting, the climate funding created the propaganda to sell the carbon taxes and the governments enjoyed the new source of taxation revenue to deal with increased government spending.  It is similar to the situation in Europe where migrants are welcomed by governments because they offset the declining birth rate and corresponding decline in tax payers.  The birthrate declines because everyone is working  hard to survive.  The question is, will the migrants work and pay taxes?  The other question, will carbon taxes reduce global warming; don't hold your breath.


Backgrounder to the Exxon-Mobil Climate Persecution.

Backgrounder to the Exxon-Mobil Climate Persecution.

Good Morning, back home after a road trip to the west coast.  Nice to start the day with some more information on the Exxon-Mobil climate persecution and rent seeking case.  It is interesting that RFK Jr. flies in private jets to climate conferences and is a trust beneficiary of interests in three oil companies. 


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Transmountain Pipeline Comments from David Dodge Reported by Zerohedge

From Zerohedge.  It seems that there is no recognition of the rule of law by the Greens.  Things will get worse as we see the project move ahead - if the Federal Government proceeds.  David Dodge , the former head if the Bank of Canada may be correct.  Personally I believe the Feds will slow walk it into oblivion.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Mundo Loco: Delingpole: Author Fired for Mocking Publisher's Diversity Policy

Delingpole: Author Fired for Mocking Publisher's Diversity Policy:

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What is up with this bull.  Don't publish good authors you won't sell books.  It's just the market.


GMO's Grantham: capitalists need to wake up to climate change reality

GMO's Grantham: capitalists need to wake up to climate change reality:

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From what I remember all the greatest climate disasters of the modern worlds were caused by the communists not the capitalists.


Alien Anthropocene: How Would Other Worlds Battle Climate Change? - Scientific American

Alien Anthropocene: How Would Other Worlds Battle Climate Change? - Scientific American:

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Global warming commentary is now completely crazy.


Power Lines Behind CA Fires, Not Warming | Climate Dispatch

Power Lines Behind CA Fires, Not Warming | Climate Dispatch:

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Well this is something that will not make the news nor sway the Green Ideologues.


Banning Plastic Straws Harms Real People | Climate Dispatch

Banning Plastic Straws Harms Real People | Climate Dispatch:

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The next crusade for the Greens.


Coup Update: Career State Department Officer Rages: 5 Media Myths Of Trump-Kim Summit | Zero Hedge

Career State Department Officer Rages: 5 Media Myths Of Trump-Kim Summit | Zero Hedge:

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Well its hard to contain Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Monday, June 11, 2018

NASA's Head Bridenstine A Disappointment | Climate Dispatch

NASA's Head Bridenstine A Disappointment | Climate Dispatch:

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Chaos at NASA. 


Coup Update: CONFIRMED: Democrats Planned to Insert Spies Into The Trump Campaign in 2015!

CONFIRMED: Democrats Planned to Insert Spies Into The Trump Campaign in 2015!:

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More on the spy gambit against the Trump Campaign.  This makes watergate look like nothing.


Climate 'Science' Is Anti-Science | Climate Dispatch

Climate 'Science' Is Anti-Science | Climate Dispatch:

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Global warmist? Don't read this.


Robert De Niro Shouts "F**k Trump" At Tony Awards, Gets Standing Ovation | Zero Hedge

Robert De Niro Shouts "F**k Trump" At Tony Awards, Gets Standing Ovation | Zero Hedge:

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Another great example of Trump Derangement Syndrome - too bad De Niro used to be such a great guy.


Police Defend Thousands of Hours Spent Investigating 'Hate Incidents'

Police Defend Thousands of Hours Spent Investigating 'Hate Incidents':

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Why you don't want to visit Britain.


Saturday, June 09, 2018

Delingpole: Epic Renewables Fail as Solar Crashes and Wind Refuses to Blow

Delingpole: Epic Renewables Fail as Solar Crashes and Wind Refuses to Blow:

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This is a reality check.  The Chinese Government is addressing a huge leakage and that is the subsidies that keep the fiction of economical solar and wind energy going.  Time to embrace nuclear energy if the goal is green electricity.


Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Coup Update: Stop Sanitizing the Inspector General's Report and Deliver It Now | Roger L. Simon

Stop Sanitizing the Inspector General's Report and Deliver It Now | Roger L. Simon:

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Redacting and slow-walking are what they do best.


Coup Update: Strzok-Page Texts Refer to 'Oconus Lures' (Spies) in December of 2015

Strzok-Page Texts Refer to 'Oconus Lures' (Spies) in December of 2015:

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Wow - these guys were on top of their game. 


Ocean Warming Not Proof Of Global Warming | Climate Dispatch

Ocean Warming Not Proof Of Global Warming | Climate Dispatch:

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Never waste a good el Nino.


Congress Asks Green Group About China Ties | Climate Dispatch

Congress Asks Green Group About China Ties | Climate Dispatch:

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An interesting twist. 


Congress Asks Green Group About China Ties | Climate Dispatch

Congress Asks Green Group About China Ties | Climate Dispatch:

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An interesting twist. 


Global Ocean Air Temps Drop To 2015 Levels | Climate Dispatch

Global Ocean Air Temps Drop To 2015 Levels | Climate Dispatch:

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Oh dear, looks like the models have to adjusted again.


Coup Update: Bombshell Claim Raises New Questions: Mueller Threatened To Charge Papadopoulos As Unregistered Agent Of Israel | Zero Hedge

Bombshell Claim Raises New Questions: Mueller Threatened To Charge Papadopoulos As Unregistered Agent Of Israel | Zero Hedge:

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Looks like Mueller is having a little problem squeezing the targets.  Overreach.


Monday, June 04, 2018

Of Course Obama's Race Protected Him from Negative Media Coverage | Trending

Of Course Obama's Race Protected Him from Negative Media Coverage | Trending:

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is it racist for the bar to be set so low for Obama?


Cher: 'Pruitt Deserves to Be in Prison' | Climate Dispatch

Cher: 'Pruitt Deserves to Be in Prison' | Climate Dispatch:

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The question has to be asked: who would ever listen to Cher about anything except


Trump Disinvites Philadelphia Eagles From White House Visit | Zero Hedge

Trump Disinvites Philadelphia Eagles From White House Visit | Zero Hedge:

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Take a knee boys.


Mundo Loco: British School Forces Boys To Wear "Gender-Neutral" Skirts Instead Of Shorts | Zero Hedge

British School Forces Boys To Wear "Gender-Neutral" Skirts Instead Of Shorts | Zero Hedge:

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Wow - they are crazy!


NOAA: A Cat-6 Hurricane Warning Pointless | Climate Dispatch

NOAA: A Cat-6 Hurricane Warning Pointless | Climate Dispatch:

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Ah the drama. 


NOAA: A Cat-6 Hurricane Warning Pointless | Climate Dispatch

NOAA: A Cat-6 Hurricane Warning Pointless | Climate Dispatch:

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Ah the drama. 


NOAA: A Cat-6 Hurricane Warning Pointless | Climate Dispatch

NOAA: A Cat-6 Hurricane Warning Pointless | Climate Dispatch:

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Ah the drama. 


Caught on video: small asteroid hits Earth with force of 500 Tons of TNT | Watts Up With That?

Caught on video: small asteroid hits Earth with force of 500 Tons of TNT | Watts Up With That?:

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Catastrophists, here is something you can sink you teeth into.


Climate Lawsuit Sets Dangerous Precedent | Climate Dispatch

Climate Lawsuit Sets Dangerous Precedent | Climate Dispatch:

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For all of you following the climate lawsuits here is an interesting commentary.


Beijing Pulls The Solar Plug, Stocks Drop | Climate Dispatch

Beijing Pulls The Solar Plug, Stocks Drop | Climate Dispatch:

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This is a sign of the times, when financial reality hits green ideology headon.


Fossil Fuel Benefits Since 1859 | Climate Dispatch

Fossil Fuel Benefits Since 1859 | Climate Dispatch:

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Saturday, June 02, 2018

Was the 'Roseanne' Reboot Really Canceled Over Her Tweet? | Trending

Was the 'Roseanne' Reboot Really Canceled Over Her Tweet? | Trending:

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Yes, maybe what we are witnessing is a cleansing by the left of non-conforming (center right thought).

Everyone in the entertainment seems to trash talk, we understand that since Lenny Bruce let things rip.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...