Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas to All

Merry Christmas to All

To all the readers who come to Just the Facts, real or bot, have a Merry Christmas from WHQ here in the Canadian Rockies.


Monday, December 24, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

Ebola Watch: Islamist Militant Activity in Congo Imperiling International Efforts to Contain Largest Ebola Outbreak Ever

Islamist Militant Activity in Congo Imperiling International Efforts to Contain Largest Ebola Outbreak Ever


Okay all you Ebola watchers, this is going to get "interesting".  Like Polio in Pakistan things will only get worse.


A frightful plague rampant all over the world': The forgotten horrors of the Spanish influenza

A frightful plague rampant all over the world': The forgotten horrors of the Spanish influenza


For all of you Ebola watchers, here is a pandemic we should never forget. 


Exxon Warns Court Of Further Constitutional Abuses By NY Attorney General

Exxon Warns Court Of Further Constitutional Abuses By NY Attorney General


When you read this think about the level of climate fanaticism that has been reached.  We are moving well into the realm of religious zealotry ala ISIS.


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Female Scandinavian Hikers Beheaded in Morocco

Female Scandinavian Hikers Beheaded in Morocco


OKAY, here is another Sh*thole to never go to.  They were deluded to think they could wander around.


Ebola Watch:: U.N.: Torture and Sexual Violence Rampant in Ebola-Ravaged Congo

U.N.: Torture and Sexual Violence Rampant in Ebola-Ravaged Congo

Maybe Trump was correct in his assessment of places like the Congo.




Again I would like to thank my few human readers and the multitude of bots that push my viewership!

Let's head to 7000.


Secret Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics

Secret Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics

Interesting read on modern electorate manipulation (probably overstating the value of social media).
This may be behind a paywall.





You have to wonder how the DEMs could have such a hard time getting good IT help.


Climate Change Blamed For Doubling Of Winter-Related Deaths In Wales - Here's Why People Are Really Dying

Climate Change Blamed For Doubling Of Winter-Related Deaths In Wales - Here's Why People Are Really Dying

Energy poverty - the wave of the future.  Enjoy your life.  I have a fireplace and a wood pile.


Captain Capitalism: The Government Will Finance Your Purpose in Life

The Government Will Finance Your Purpose in Life


Thanks for SmallDeadAnimals for catching this article by the Captain.  On a day when an Obama appointed judge has decided that the US has to go out and fly back any rejected asylum claimant for a retrial (Do they get their room and board at the W? Do they get business class seats?) I needed to read this and enjoy Cappy's point of view.  I thought America was doomed.


Report: Afghan District Bordering Iran Embracing Crystal Meth Production

Report: Afghan District Bordering Iran Embracing Crystal Meth Production

Moving uptown or just finally getting Net Flicks?  Hope they enjoy the ride.


CNN’s Chris Cuomo: ‘Advertisers Have the Right’ to Pull Ads from Tucker Carlson — ‘Diversity is Our Greatest Strength’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo: ‘Advertisers Have the Right’ to Pull Ads from Tucker Carlson — ‘Diversity is Our Greatest Strength’

These talking heads should have worked for Pravda.  I blacklisted CNN with my TV Remote.


Nolte: 11-Year-Old ‘Drag Queen’ Dances for Dollar Bills in Gay Bar

Nolte: 11-Year-Old ‘Drag Queen’ Dances for Dollar Bills in Gay Bar

More on these sicko child abuse.  WTF.


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Delingpole: Tucker Carlson Is Right — Never Apologize!

Delingpole: Tucker Carlson Is Right — Never Apologize!

No kidding, the neo-marxist think they smell blood to get rid of an arch foe.


WALSH: An 11-Year-Old Boy Dances In Drag At Gay Bars. If He Were A Girl, His Parents Would Be Arrested.

WALSH: An 11-Year-Old Boy Dances In Drag At Gay Bars. If He Were A Girl, His Parents Would Be Arrested.



Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak or Just Shout ‘Racism’?

Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak or Just Shout ‘Racism’?

For all of you that follow Ebola, here is a great article about all of the diseases that are invading the first world with the mass migration from the third world.  I am particularly interesested in Chagas and Dengue Fever.  Enjoy your next trip to the mall or your ride on a bus or streetcar. amd don't forget to wash your hands.

CIBC shrinks event after Whistler tries to bill oil firm for climate change

CIBC shrinks event after Whistler tries to bill oil firm for climate change


I guess they will just have to rest the conference on the marijuana dealers.


Monday, December 17, 2018

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Coup Update: Mueller Destroyed Messages From Peter Strzok's iPhone; OIG Recovers 19,000 New "FBI Lovebird" Texts

Mueller Destroyed Messages From Peter Strzok's iPhone; OIG Recovers 19,000 New "FBI Lovebird" Texts

Well it must be right when they say if you don't want something discovered don't use electronics.


Mundo Loco: Whistler wants to bill Alberta oil and gas company for climate change expenses

Whistler wants to bill Alberta oil and gas company for climate change expenses


Nothing can be done about stupid.  If it wasn't for the energy industries,supplying fuel for transportation and heat, there would not a be Whistler to visit.  Skiing is a dying industry. We will live to see when the town, whose sole reason for existing is tourism, will slowly die as only the uber rich elites can afford the fuel to visit.  I don't think a ski town can survive on such a tiny market.  


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Volcano WARNING: Naples supervolcano showing 'signs' of possible 'Vesuvian-style eruption'

Volcano WARNING: Naples supervolcano showing 'signs' of possible 'Vesuvian-style eruption'

Tired of only being worried about global warming, ebola and blasphemy, this volcano is in downtown Naples!


Climate change SOLVED? Harvard plans to mimic volcano ERUPTION and BLOCK OUT SUN

Climate change SOLVED? Harvard plans to mimic volcano ERUPTION and BLOCK OUT SUN

Perverted Science.  Well they will finally prove that the Sun is the source of all heat.  Get ready for winter if these guys get their project going.


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Hoax of 'Climate Change'

The Hoax of 'Climate Change'


Here is an article everyone should read.


BELMONT CLUB Surprise Collapse

Surprise Collapse


I originally saw this article this morning on small dead animals and thought it was a very interesting and perhaps timely piece.  Interesting to note that only Egypt survived the collapse.



World View: Ebola in DR Congo Spreads Southward to Large Cities

World View: Ebola in DR Congo Spreads Southward to Large Cities

For all of you out there following this Ebola story here is an update.  We don't see MSM giving this much attention do we.


Exclusive — Paris Dennard: Washington Post’s Political Hit Job, CNN’s Blatant Bias

Exclusive — Paris Dennard: Washington Post’s Political Hit Job, CNN’s Blatant Bias


When CNN still attempted to maintain some level of seriousness they would have commentators from both sides of the American Political Spectrum.  Even though the Republican voices would be outnumbered at least 5 to 1 in any discussion it was an attempt to portrait journalistic evenness.  With the firing of Paris they have surrendered.  This is the reason CNN has gone dark at our home.


Monday, December 10, 2018

‘Borderline Impossible’: Noted Scientist Tackles Sea-Level Rise Alarmism

‘Borderline Impossible’: Noted Scientist Tackles Sea-Level Rise Alarmism


We shall have to see.  Love the way all the experts predicting the end of the world through numbers around without thinking.  Someone should actually calculate how much water it takes to raise the oceans of the world a foot.


Sunday, December 09, 2018

Saturday, December 08, 2018

Mass. AG Goes After Exxon For Allegedly Duping Investors About Climate Change Risks

Mass. AG Goes After Exxon For Allegedly Duping Investors About Climate Change Risks

So you wonder what is going on?  It's just a small war with the Legal Justice Warriors vs a big company.  If they were smart they would just ban gasoline, diesel and natural gas.  Oh they can't they need gas to get home.


Climate Summit Language Exposes The Real Hidden Agenda

Climate Summit Language Exposes The Real Hidden Agenda

If you weren't scared before and you still believe that the UN is a force for "good", it's time you looked a little closer at what they are up to.


Friday, December 07, 2018

Saddam Hussein’s Climate Experiment

Saddam Hussein’s Climate Experiment

This has to go the record, it is an interesting report.  The article omits mention of Calgary's Mike Miller and his company Safety Boss who put out the most well fires.  



Wednesday, December 05, 2018

COP 24: The Church Of Climate Fear

COP 24: The Church Of Climate Fear

Yes I do like shorter termed doomsterism, the fallacy of the predictions is seen sooner.


Law Firm Pitching Climate Suits Sought To Evade Detection By Open Records

Law Firm Pitching Climate Suits Sought To Evade Detection By Open Records


The rent seekers never stop.  Here is an update on the legal war to become a player in Climate Change.


Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Monday, December 03, 2018

When Terrorists Learned 'Lawfare' Works: The Holy Land Foundation Trial's 10-Year Anniversary

When Terrorists Learned 'Lawfare' Works: The Holy Land Foundation Trial's 10-Year Anniversary

Here is a very interesting article about weaponized legal attacks.  This is what we see all the time now with legal action by the state against oil companies. 


PC GONE MAD: Criticising migration could become CRIMINAL offence under new plan

PC GONE MAD: Criticising migration could become CRIMINAL offence under new plan


Wait until Trudeau hears about this he won't be able to resist diving on board.  We already have the media part bought and paid for,  now we just have to remove the gates on the border.


There Is Suddenly A Far Bigger European Problem Than Brexit Or Italy

There Is Suddenly A Far Bigger European Problem Than Brexit Or Italy


France is so bad right now Michelle Obama doesn't want to hang around in Paris. 


Sunday, December 02, 2018

Saturday, December 01, 2018

The UK’s Climate Change Act: Ten Years Of Punishing The Poor

The UK’s Climate Change Act: Ten Years Of Punishing The Poor


The saddest thing we face is energy poverty.  Now the problem of the poor but the future problem of all but the globalist elites.


Friday, November 30, 2018

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Canada’s Leaders Infected With Climate Hysteria

Canada’s Leaders Infected With Climate Hysteria

The simple reason is that this is just the must perfect VAT tax ever thought up, you pay, but you get to virtue signal at the same time.

Too bad we won't recognized the Canada or its economy in 10 years when we live on imported energy and don't make anything. Energy poverty for the masses.


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Is This Man America's Most Prolific Serial Killer?

Is This Man America's Most Prolific Serial Killer?


For all of you who follow crime here is an interesting article.


Nolte: Only Anti-Science Suckers Believe Climate Change Hysteria

Nolte: Only Anti-Science Suckers Believe Climate Change Hysteria


I had to put this is since it reinforces the problems of having a memory and believing in real science not ideological science.


Author Explains Paris Protests: Deplorables Reacting Against ‘Davocracy’ Elite

Author Explains Paris Protests: Deplorables Reacting Against ‘Davocracy’ Elite

If you're following the actions of the Globalist Elites here is a good article to read on the siutation in France and the riots of the "Yellow Vests".


Global Carbon Tax = Road to Ruin – New Friends of Science Billboard Campaign

Global Carbon Tax = Road to Ruin – New Friends of Science Billboard Campaign

A global law?  We are going to be in real trouble if people like the Liberal Party of Canada get on board with this kind of ideology.  The libs are such virtue signalers that you can't trust them with any lame brian idea.


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Report: No Warming Trend At Three-Quarters Of Canada’s Long-Term Weather Stations

Report: No Warming Trend At Three-Quarters Of Canada’s Long-Term Weather Stations


I shovelled all the decks yesterday and cleaned the overnight snowfall away from the doors alrready this morning.  Canadians can only hope that things get warmer.

Anti-Exxon Attorneys Suffer Setback Amid Rash Of Legal Defeats

Anti-Exxon Attorneys Suffer Setback Amid Rash Of Legal Defeats


You have to love the frustration of the rent seeking lawyers and the state attorneys who want to try to use there legal skills to shake down the oil companies and "try to stop Climate Change".  They were told in law school that they were masters of the universe and could use thee law to accomplish great change in society. They are discovering their limits.

 It is interesting that no state has tried to ban or restrict the sale of petroleum products.  Think about it, that would be an interesting response, don't sell gasoline to your constituents to save the world, that effort would last about a week.


Saturday, November 24, 2018

How The BBC Quietly Obliterates And Rewrites Science News

How The BBC Quietly Obliterates And Rewrites Science News

The BBC is probably know worse than any other MSM player that is controlled by neo-marxist propagandists.  This is one of the reasons MSM is, as a whole in such trouble.  normal people don't see their product as anything other than propaganda for the governments and globalist elites.


Coup Update: MI6 Scrambling To Stop Trump From Releasing Classified Docs In Russia Probe

MI6 Scrambling To Stop Trump From Releasing Classified Docs In Russia Probe

The players thought and still think that they are so smart.  Unfortunately, the intelligence community leaks like a sieve, I guess they can help themselves.  All of their careful maneuvers to outflank the rules on spying on american citizens will come out in the light of day.  This would be embarrassing at a minimum to the Obama/DEM administration if they did in fact have the ability to be shamed.  


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Justin Trudeau Gives $595 Million Tax Relief to ‘Eligible’ Media

Justin Trudeau Gives $595 Million Tax Relief to ‘Eligible’ Media

The press just got bought.  Nice to see the Liberals cement their control of their acolytes,  the MSM.
This is the reason we have suppressed news and fake news.  Ths is also the reason that MSM is dead.


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Off-Teleprompter Obama Rambles, Incoherently Attacks Global Warming Skeptics

Off-Teleprompter Obama Rambles, Incoherently Attacks Global Warming Skeptics

This article has to go on the record.  Obama is like Trudeau, they just don't make sence when thet are not managed by a teleprompter.

Coup Update: WATCH: Female Antifa Member Allegedly Spits on, Punches Conservative Activist

WATCH: Female Antifa Member Allegedly Spits on, Punches Conservative Activist


The Third Reich's story could not be told without mention of the SA, the Brownshirts, and the SS, the blackshirts who used force and intimidation to push their ideology.  The Neo-Marxists in the United States can not be understood without mention of their street thugs, Antifa.  Such an Orwellian name for a group of thugs.  Also, can anyone explain Portland?  What a crazy city.

enjoy the video,


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

More Dems Are Signing Onto Climate Alarmist Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’

More Dems Are Signing Onto Climate Alarmist Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’

If you are rational and understand real science, as compared to politicized science, you can only thank your lucky stars that the new democratic controlled US House of Representatives, doe not control the US Senate and US Supreme Court.  We have two more years until the Luddites will finally get the chance to wreck the last hope for the world to have a better future, the US economy.  The UN, the globalists and their running dog neo-marxists are only  deluding themselves it they think that they will be able to continue to live a life of privilege while the rest of the world recedes into energy poverty and starvation.


Coup update: Report: House Oversight Democrats to Probe Ivanka Trump’s Personal Email Use

Report: House Oversight Democrats to Probe Ivanka Trump’s Personal Email Use

Just for fun let's see how many things to Dems are going to investigate in their effort to unseat the POTUS.


Monday, November 19, 2018

Climate Hoax: Not A Single G-20 Country Is Close To Hitting CO2 Targets

Climate Hoax: Not A Single G-20 Country Is Close To Hitting CO2 Targets

Now ask yourself, did you really think that the G-20 countries would hit their targets?  Who in their right mind wants to turn back the clock to the 18th century and live a subsistence lifestyle.  Think about it, carefully.  



The Late Great (Again) Planet Earth

The Late Great (Again) Planet Earth


Moonbats!  A great essay.



Coup Update: Democrats to Investigate Why Trump Wants U.S. Citizens Counted on 2020 Census

Democrats to Investigate Why Trump Wants U.S. Citizens Counted on 2020 Census

I am sorry but the logic of this eludes me.


Sunday, November 18, 2018

Countdown To UN’s Climate Alarmist Boondoggle (COP24) In Poland

Countdown To UN’s Climate Alarmist Boondoggle (COP24) In Poland


Well it is that time of year again for IPCC to have their Christmas get together.  I am amazed they are not going somewhere warm.


3000 Votes 'Disappear' From Florida Recount Tally

3000 Votes 'Disappear' From Florida Recount Tally

Broward County is a git that just keeps giving.  Corruption and incompetence seems to be the order of the day.  Corruption is probably the main problem hiding under the guise of imcompetence.

Ebola response suffers another setback, as WHO evacuates some staff after attack

Ebola response suffers another setback, as WHO evacuates some staff after attack

Here is the latest from the Ebola Front.  Don't worry things are under control.


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Climate Crusaders Take A Novel Approach To Their Newest Anti-Oil Lawsuit

Climate Crusaders Take A Novel Approach To Their Newest Anti-Oil Lawsuit

For all of you followers of the legal persecution of the oil industry in the battle to de-industrialize the Western World here is another battle - the crab fishermen.  It seems that red tide (Domoic Acid) which comes from a species of red algae that "blooms" in summer months when the weather and the oceans are warmer.  It is such a constant cycle that everyone who eats shellfish knows you should only eat fresh shellfish if there is an "R" in the month.  For those wondering what this means, if the month has an "R" the water is colder and the risk of Red Tide (Domoic acid poisoning) has passed.

Something that the fishermen should be suing about is the amount of raw sewage that is dumped into the oceans by the cities. Victoria dumps 130 million liters per day into the Strait of Juan De Fuca,
that is 47.4 BILLION litres per year.  So when you think about what you are getting from the fishermen, ignoring the contamination on the west coast by Fukushima, just be glad they filter the tampons and lumps out of the sewage.  

Enjoy your crabs.  


Friday, November 16, 2018

Delingpole: ‘We Really Muffed’ It – Scientist Admits Error in Hyped Global Warming Study

Delingpole: ‘We Really Muffed’ It – Scientist Admits Error in Hyped Global Warming Study

I always said the geography majors were math challenged.  You can't let work outuntil you have checked the math.


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

How The Industrial Revolution Single-Handedly Saved Mankind

How The Industrial Revolution Single-Handedly Saved Mankind

OMG say it isn't so.  How can we suppress this data?  (Sarcasm)


Muehlhauser events

Feds Investigating Altered Election Documents Tied To Florida Democratic Party

Feds Investigating Altered Election Documents Tied To Florida Democratic Party


What do you know, Florida voting is broken.  I think the Florida Democrats have been to Shicago for lessons.


‘Vote Early, Vote Often’: Did ‘The Chicago Way’ Move North to Wisconsin?

‘Vote Early, Vote Often’: Did ‘The Chicago Way’ Move North to Wisconsin?


It is also a banner day on the voter fraud beat!  Here is the latest from the state that gave us Making of a Murderer.


Could these beautiful islands help stop killer diseases?

Could these beautiful islands help stop killer diseases?

Well here is the place for your next trip, the Bijagos Islands off of Guinea-Bissau.  Don't expect to find a Holiday Inn  there, do expect to find some interesting nasty diseases.   The BBC must be having disease day.


A map of the Bijagos islands

Spanish flu was one of the most serious pandemics humanity has faced over the last century. But there are others, and some have the capacity to be even deadlier.

Spanish flu was one of the most serious pandemics humanity has faced over the last century. But there are others, and some have the capacity to be even deadlier.


For all of you Ebola followers and other catastrophists here is a great article to keep you up at night.


Five Famous Examples of Democrat Recount Boondoggles

Five Famous Examples of Democrat Recount Boondoggles


For all of you following the voter fraud issue here is an article that has to go on the record just for reference.

We just had a plebiscite here in Calgary regarding support of the 2026 winter Olympic bid.  the "No's" won.  What was interesting was that voting machines were used for the first time.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Too Many Polar Bears: ‘Numbers Exceed Co-Existence Threshold’

Too Many Polar Bears: ‘Numbers Exceed Co-Existence Threshold’


Looks like a commercial hunt is coming sooner than you think. 


Mundo Loco: One British Company Wants To Implant Microchips Into "Hundreds Of Thousands" Of Global Workers

One British Company Wants To Implant Microchips Into "Hundreds Of Thousands" Of Global Workers


I don't even want to think of far this idea can go.  If you trust governments and large corporations you are only going to be disappointed at a minimum.  This is perverted science 2.0.


VoterFraud: Stacey Abrams Files Lawsuit to Force Georgia Counties to Accept Rejected Ballots

Stacey Abrams Files Lawsuit to Force Georgia Counties to Accept Rejected Ballots


I'm sorry I don't get the concept of unrejected ballots!


Voter Fraud: Exclusive–Election Fraud Expert: Broward County’s Brenda Snipes ‘Found Ballots’ in 2012 Too

Voter Fraud: 

Exclusive–Election Fraud Expert: Broward County’s Brenda Snipes ‘Found Ballots’ in 2012 Too


Your couldn't make this stuff up!


Monday, November 12, 2018

Voter Fraud: Provisional Ballot Boxes Discovered Inside AVIS Rental Car At Ft. Lauderdale Airport

Provisional Ballot Boxes Discovered Inside AVIS Rental Car At Ft. Lauderdale Airport

Is voter fraud the new norm in Canada and United States.  I say that because there were rumors of ballot box stuffing in the last Calgary municipal election, similar to the case in Florida.


Revenge of the Globalists: Canada’s Trudeau Hijacks Armistice Centenary to Make Thinly Veiled Attack on Trump

Revenge of the Globalists: Canada’s Trudeau Hijacks Armistice Centenary to Make Thinly Veiled Attack on Trump


Nice to see our Prince go forth and smit the great Caesar after he has left the room.  Very brave.  There might be something in Globalism but the globalists are such wimps you could never join their little club.


Sunday, November 11, 2018

DR Congo Ebola outbreak 'worst' in country's history

DR Congo Ebola outbreak 'worst' in country's history

For all of you thinking about Ebola (my brother in law, Norm) here is another report from darkest Africa.


Election Time in the Banana Republic of Florida

Election Time in the Banana Republic of Florida


Election fraud is one of the more interesting features of American Culture.  It always amazes at how far these acts are pushed.  This is a great essay, enjoy.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Musical intelrlude: Sting - Fields Of Gold

Sting - Fields Of Gold

I can't help myself I like this song.



Superbugs Pose A Very Real Threat To Humanity

Superbugs Pose A Very Real Threat To Humanity

For all of you concerned with Climate Change, welcome to the new and present danger.  Did you wash your hands?  Or more likely, did the server at the restaurant you just eat in wash theirs?

Enjoy the rest of the day from our safe space.


Friday, November 09, 2018

Coup Update: Election Fraud Expert: Brenda Snipes Allowed Illegal Aliens and Felons to Vote; Illegally Destroyed Ballots

Election Fraud Expert: Brenda Snipes Allowed Illegal Aliens and Felons to Vote; Illegally Destroyed Ballots


I didn't want to get into the midterms in the US but this information is so amazing it has to go on the record.


Musical Interlude: The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun (Remastered 2009)

Musical Interlude: The Beatles - Here Come the Sun


I loves the Abbey Road album and this song always brightened the day.  Have a great weekend.  It has been a tumultuous week so time to mix a martini and relax.



Ninth Circuit Pauses Kids’ Climate Suit to Hear Latest Government Appeal

Ninth Circuit Pauses Kids’ Climate Suit to Hear Latest Government Appeal

Well another turn in the Childrens Crusade.  It is an amazing story but one where the children are all going to be unhappy with.  They should be studying science instead of climate theology.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease https://www.zerohedge.com/political/net-zero-cure-far-worse-disease We are now going to fa...