Pat Buchanan Exposes "That Other Plot..." To Bring Down Trump | Zero Hedge:
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More on the Peeing Prostitutes, Fusion GPS, the DNC and the FBI. The gift that keeps on giving.
Just the Facts is a discussion of current world events from the point of view of someone who lives on the fringe of polite society, just plain old oil field trash.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Fitton: The FBI Recovered 72,000 Pages of Clinton Records; Court Orders Explanation of Processing
Fitton: The FBI Recovered 72,000 Pages of Clinton Records; Court Orders Explanation of Processing:
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Nice to see the Deep State slowwalk the emails, hopefully some who knows the sotry will still be alive when the emails are finally released to the public.
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Nice to see the Deep State slowwalk the emails, hopefully some who knows the sotry will still be alive when the emails are finally released to the public.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Did Clinton Use Fusion GPS to Set Up Trump Meeting with Veselnitskaya?
Did Clinton Use Fusion GPS to Set Up Trump Meeting with Veselnitskaya?:
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Here is an interesting twist on the Fusion GPS story.
Interesting today that Paul Manafort was the first man Mueller charged and interesting that it involves the money he received from the Ukrainians. Is Podesta the next charge?
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Here is an interesting twist on the Fusion GPS story.
Interesting today that Paul Manafort was the first man Mueller charged and interesting that it involves the money he received from the Ukrainians. Is Podesta the next charge?
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Clinton Campaign's Law Firm Brought In Both Fusion GPS and CrowdStrike — the Lone Sources of 'Russian Hookers' and 'Russian Hacking' Claims
Clinton Campaign's Law Firm Brought In Both Fusion GPS and CrowdStrike — the Lone Sources of 'Russian Hookers' and 'Russian Hacking' Claims:
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Okay, here is a question for you (robot's exempted); Everyone remembers that HRC was the "wonk" who had her finger on everything, how is it that she nevers knows anything about happened on her campaign when it blew up?
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Okay, here is a question for you (robot's exempted); Everyone remembers that HRC was the "wonk" who had her finger on everything, how is it that she nevers knows anything about happened on her campaign when it blew up?
The István Markó Interview: Possibly the Best Thing You Will Ever Read on Global Warming. Pt 1: The Science.
The István Markó Interview: Possibly the Best Thing You Will Ever Read on Global Warming. Pt 1: The Science.:
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Here is a great article that has to be read regarding the climate and reality.
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Here is a great article that has to be read regarding the climate and reality.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Canadian Billionaire Frank Giustra at the centre of Clinton Uranium One Scandal - The Rebel
Canadian Billionaire Frank Giustra at the centre of Clinton Uranium One Scandal - The Rebel:
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On the record for the Clinton Uranium One Deal here is the Canadian connection with Frank Giustra. This is a short article but it bridges the details on the players.
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On the record for the Clinton Uranium One Deal here is the Canadian connection with Frank Giustra. This is a short article but it bridges the details on the players.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Delingpole: An Impertinent Pup from Snopes Tried to Fact-Check Me on Global Warming. Here's My Reply...
Delingpole: An Impertinent Pup from Snopes Tried to Fact-Check Me on Global Warming. Here's My Reply...:
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Does anybody use Snopes for anything other them entertainment anymore. I think they blew their cred in the last presidential election. Here is Delingpole dealing with them. I thought snopes was supposed to do the work?
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Does anybody use Snopes for anything other them entertainment anymore. I think they blew their cred in the last presidential election. Here is Delingpole dealing with them. I thought snopes was supposed to do the work?
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Hillary Clinton, DNC - and One Republican - Paid for Russia Dossier: Report - Breitbart
Hillary Clinton, DNC - and One Republican - Paid for Russia Dossier: Report - Breitbart:
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Now the burning question is which candidate from the Republican Presidential Primaries was the original client for Fusion GPS? This is going to be a very interesting story.
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Now the burning question is which candidate from the Republican Presidential Primaries was the original client for Fusion GPS? This is going to be a very interesting story.
Clinton Lawyer Who Hired Fusion GPS 'Vigorously' Denied Doing So to NYT Reporter - Breitbart
Clinton Lawyer Who Hired Fusion GPS 'Vigorously' Denied Doing So to NYT Reporter - Breitbart:
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More on Agent Steele and the peeing prostitutes. Question, who did you think paid for Fusion GPS and Agent Steele?
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More on Agent Steele and the peeing prostitutes. Question, who did you think paid for Fusion GPS and Agent Steele?
Electrolux on climate change A-List | Electrolux Group
Electrolux on climate change A-List | Electrolux Group:
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They used to make a good vacuum cleaner so I know the brand. I had to put this in as an example of big business playing on the heartstrings of the millennials to sell their products. Might work with those soft unquestioning "Green" minds. Has Eletrolux invented a frig that runs on cold fusion? No, you still have to plug it in.
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They used to make a good vacuum cleaner so I know the brand. I had to put this in as an example of big business playing on the heartstrings of the millennials to sell their products. Might work with those soft unquestioning "Green" minds. Has Eletrolux invented a frig that runs on cold fusion? No, you still have to plug it in.
Electrolux on climate change A-List | Electrolux Group
Electrolux on climate change A-List | Electrolux Group:
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They used to make a good vacuum cleaner so I know the brand. I had to put this in as an example of big business playing on the heartstrings of the millennials to sell their products. Might work with those soft unquestioning "Green" minds. Has Eletrolux invented a frig that runs on cold fusion? No, you still have to plug it in.
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They used to make a good vacuum cleaner so I know the brand. I had to put this in as an example of big business playing on the heartstrings of the millennials to sell their products. Might work with those soft unquestioning "Green" minds. Has Eletrolux invented a frig that runs on cold fusion? No, you still have to plug it in.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Hillary Clinton, DNC - and One Republican - Paid for Russia Dossier: Report - Breitbart
Hillary Clinton, DNC - and One Republican - Paid for Russia Dossier: Report - Breitbart:
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Ah my favorite story, the Russian golden shower girls. Glad to see that Fusion GPS is getting sweated for more information.
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Ah my favorite story, the Russian golden shower girls. Glad to see that Fusion GPS is getting sweated for more information.
Hillary Clinton, DNC - and One Republican - Paid for Russia Dossier: Report - Breitbart
Hillary Clinton, DNC - and One Republican - Paid for Russia Dossier: Report - Breitbart:
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Ah my favorite story, the Russian golden shower girls. Glad to see that Fusion GPS is getting sweated for more information.
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Ah my favorite story, the Russian golden shower girls. Glad to see that Fusion GPS is getting sweated for more information.
7 Uranium One Facts Every American Should Know - Breitbart
7 Uranium One Facts Every American Should Know - Breitbart:
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More from the Gift that keeps giving - this time from Breitbart.
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More from the Gift that keeps giving - this time from Breitbart.
Delingpole: Now 400 Scientific Papers in 2017 Say 'Global Warming' Is a Myth
Delingpole: Now 400 Scientific Papers in 2017 Say 'Global Warming' Is a Myth:
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Here is more from James Delingpole on the 97% Consensus - NOT.
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Here is more from James Delingpole on the 97% Consensus - NOT.
Obama Admin. May Have Silenced Clinton Corruption Witness | One America News Network
Obama Admin. May Have Silenced Clinton Corruption Witness | One America News Network:
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So you have a gift that keeps giving, HRC and Uranium1.
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So you have a gift that keeps giving, HRC and Uranium1.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Wind Farms Make Climate Change | Science Matters
Wind Farms Make Climate Change | Science Matters:
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Here is an interesting article about the effects of offshore windfarms on temperature.
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Here is an interesting article about the effects of offshore windfarms on temperature.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
WHO cancels Robert Mugabe goodwill ambassador role - BBC News
WHO cancels Robert Mugabe goodwill ambassador role - BBC News:
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WHO - a little too much controversy for them? What were they thinking in the first place? This is why the globalists at the UN are finished. TSTL.
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WHO - a little too much controversy for them? What were they thinking in the first place? This is why the globalists at the UN are finished. TSTL.
Great ape teeth: Discovery in Germany could re-write human history
Great ape teeth: Discovery in Germany could re-write human history:
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You thought Lucy was old. Here is a very interesting discovery in Germany.
Thanks SmallDeadAnimals for catching this.
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You thought Lucy was old. Here is a very interesting discovery in Germany.
Thanks SmallDeadAnimals for catching this.
Jackie Mason Blasts Hollywood's 'Phony F*cks': All Weinstein Did Was 'Imitate Bill Clinton'
Jackie Mason Blasts Hollywood's 'Phony F*cks': All Weinstein Did Was 'Imitate Bill Clinton':
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The Voice of Reason - You need to here his take on Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood and HRC. Sorry about the ads but he is worth listening to.
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The Voice of Reason - You need to here his take on Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood and HRC. Sorry about the ads but he is worth listening to.
Cambridge University Issues 'Trigger Warnings' over Shakespeare Reading - Breitbart
Cambridge University Issues 'Trigger Warnings' over Shakespeare Reading - Breitbart:
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Where did this come from? How did it manage to infect the greatest universities? Is university a waste of time and money? Are we raising a bunch of spineless babies?
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Where did this come from? How did it manage to infect the greatest universities? Is university a waste of time and money? Are we raising a bunch of spineless babies?
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Russian Spies Targeted Hillary Clinton In Lead Up to Uranium One Deal During Secret FBI Investigation
Russian Spies Targeted Hillary Clinton In Lead Up to Uranium One Deal During Secret FBI Investigation:
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More on Uranium1 from this time from PJMedia. This is going to be a very interesting story to follow.
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More on Uranium1 from this time from PJMedia. This is going to be a very interesting story to follow.
"The Police Just F**ked My Life" - Alabamians Outraged As Civil Asset Forfeitures Soar | Zero Hedge
"The Police Just F**ked My Life" - Alabamians Outraged As Civil Asset Forfeitures Soar | Zero Hedge:
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NEVER go to Alabama. Any State or Province that practices asset forfeiture without compensation by the Authorities is too dangerous to enter. Anyone is a target and your protection is nothing. Alabama is now on my list of no-go zones and it should be on yours.
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NEVER go to Alabama. Any State or Province that practices asset forfeiture without compensation by the Authorities is too dangerous to enter. Anyone is a target and your protection is nothing. Alabama is now on my list of no-go zones and it should be on yours.
Friday, October 20, 2017
What Do Hillary, Uranium One, And An FBI Bust Of A Deep Cover Russian Spy Network Have In Common? | Zero Hedge
What Do Hillary, Uranium One, And An FBI Bust Of A Deep Cover Russian Spy Network Have In Common? | Zero Hedge:
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More background on the Uranium1 deal. It is so amazing how much coincidence surrounds HRC.
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More background on the Uranium1 deal. It is so amazing how much coincidence surrounds HRC.
How to Know President Trump is in Your Head | Scott Adams' Blog
How to Know President Trump is in Your Head | Scott Adams' Blog:
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Thanks to Scott Adams for his blog on HRC and Uranium1.
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Thanks to Scott Adams for his blog on HRC and Uranium1.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Recent CO2 Climate Sensitivity Estimates Continue Trending Towards Zero
Recent CO2 Climate Sensitivity Estimates Continue Trending Towards Zero:
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You need to read this. The old adage GIGO, garbage in garbage out, which evolved out of the early days of computing and which was especially important to remember when doing modeling on a computer has come back with the CO2 assumptions that the early Climate Players used to create some excitement about their models.
Thanks to SmallDeadAnimals for finding this article.
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You need to read this. The old adage GIGO, garbage in garbage out, which evolved out of the early days of computing and which was especially important to remember when doing modeling on a computer has come back with the CO2 assumptions that the early Climate Players used to create some excitement about their models.
Thanks to SmallDeadAnimals for finding this article.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Bombshell: Robert Mueller Kept FBI Investigation Into Clinton Russia Corruption a Secret Just as the Obama Administration Confirmed the Uranium One Deal
Bombshell: Robert Mueller Kept FBI Investigation Into Clinton Russia Corruption a Secret Just as the Obama Administration Confirmed the Uranium One Deal:
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Oh the tangled webs we weave. The Uranium One deal is going to become a very big problem for HRC and for Robert Mueller. It is amazing to see how closely everyone worked in the Obama Administration. For all of us on the outside this is a lesson, a bad lesson, about how you get to ride in the limousin and fly first class, if you have moral turpitude.
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Oh the tangled webs we weave. The Uranium One deal is going to become a very big problem for HRC and for Robert Mueller. It is amazing to see how closely everyone worked in the Obama Administration. For all of us on the outside this is a lesson, a bad lesson, about how you get to ride in the limousin and fly first class, if you have moral turpitude.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
SJW Talks About Why He's Afraid of Other SJWs | Trending
SJW Talks About Why He's Afraid of Other SJWs | Trending:
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Thanks PJ Media for finding this. Get some coffee sit back and enjoy.
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Thanks PJ Media for finding this. Get some coffee sit back and enjoy.
Car-Bomb Kills "One-Woman WikiLeaks" Who Led The Panama Papers Revelations | Zero Hedge
Car-Bomb Kills "One-Woman WikiLeaks" Who Led The Panama Papers Revelations | Zero Hedge:
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Well this is a sad story. Sad to see that Carauna Galizia was murdered for the work she did uncovering the crimes of the entrenched politicians and bureaucrats sad also for everyone else because it tells you that the elite are willing to stop at nothing to keep their comfy game going. Let's hope that some policeman somewhere has the balls to solve this.
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Well this is a sad story. Sad to see that Carauna Galizia was murdered for the work she did uncovering the crimes of the entrenched politicians and bureaucrats sad also for everyone else because it tells you that the elite are willing to stop at nothing to keep their comfy game going. Let's hope that some policeman somewhere has the balls to solve this.
Monday, October 16, 2017
oz.Typewriter - Clare Hollington
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I had to add this - Clare Hollington, a British reporter was present at the very start of World War 2.
The anniversary of her birthday is a good time to think about typewriters. I Understand that Tom Hanks new collection of short stories "Uncommon Type". I have to get a copy.
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I had to add this - Clare Hollington, a British reporter was present at the very start of World War 2.
The anniversary of her birthday is a good time to think about typewriters. I Understand that Tom Hanks new collection of short stories "Uncommon Type". I have to get a copy.
Low Public Approval of President Trump Yet... | Scott Adams' Blog
Low Public Approval of President Trump Yet... | Scott Adams' Blog:
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Scott Adams looks at Trump's perception amongst the US Voters.
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Scott Adams looks at Trump's perception amongst the US Voters.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
(24) Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson - YouTube
(24) Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson - YouTube:
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Thanks to Small Dead Animals for catching this video. Interested in how we got to here with the education system and the rise of postmodernism. Camille Paglia and Jordan B Peterson together is an intense conversation.
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Thanks to Small Dead Animals for catching this video. Interested in how we got to here with the education system and the rise of postmodernism. Camille Paglia and Jordan B Peterson together is an intense conversation.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Friday, October 13, 2017
Delingpole: Michael Mann Crowdfunds Worst Children's Book Ever
Delingpole: Michael Mann Crowdfunds Worst Children's Book Ever:
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Mann Watch: Propagandize the children. Kids: YOU CANNOT HAVE A POLARBEAR AS A PET - IT WILL EAT YOU.
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Mann Watch: Propagandize the children. Kids: YOU CANNOT HAVE A POLARBEAR AS A PET - IT WILL EAT YOU.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Title of ‘chief’ phased out across the Toronto District School Board | Toronto Star
Title of ‘chief’ phased out across the Toronto District School Board | Toronto Star:
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The Toronto School Board - not to be outdone has gone terminally insane. Last time I looked "Chief" was an english word which was culturally appropriated by the first nations.
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The Toronto School Board - not to be outdone has gone terminally insane. Last time I looked "Chief" was an english word which was culturally appropriated by the first nations.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Delingpole: Man-Made Climate Catastrophe Is a Myth, More Studies Confirm
Delingpole: Man-Made Climate Catastrophe Is a Myth, More Studies Confirm:
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James Delingpole keeps sawing away at the "97% Consensus". Here is the latest. it is interesting how "research" based on computer modeling just doesn't cut it any more. Modeling is not research it is just prophecy.
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James Delingpole keeps sawing away at the "97% Consensus". Here is the latest. it is interesting how "research" based on computer modeling just doesn't cut it any more. Modeling is not research it is just prophecy.
WATCH: U.S. Attorney Reveals New Evidence at Awan Court Appearance | One America News Network
WATCH: U.S. Attorney Reveals New Evidence at Awan Court Appearance | One America News Network:
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The Awan case is not drawing any coverage from the MSM so here is the update from OAN to keep you up to date on the case and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
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The Awan case is not drawing any coverage from the MSM so here is the update from OAN to keep you up to date on the case and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
James O'Keefe Busts James Comey's Purported 'Godson,' Video Editor at New York Times - Breitbart
James O'Keefe Busts James Comey's Purported 'Godson,' Video Editor at New York Times - Breitbart:
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Who knows where this will go but it does give you an insight into how MSM and the political activists who work in the MSM feel and act. Enjoy the article and the clip.
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Who knows where this will go but it does give you an insight into how MSM and the political activists who work in the MSM feel and act. Enjoy the article and the clip.
Monday, October 09, 2017
Snotty Foreigner with Weirdo Accent :: SteynOnline
Snotty Foreigner with Weirdo Accent :: SteynOnline:
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Happy Thanksgiving to Canadians and Happy Columbus Day to Americans. It is also my Mum's 94th Birthday - Happy Birthday Mum.
Here is Mark Steyn's latest post with Greg Gutfeld - enjoy the blog.
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Happy Thanksgiving to Canadians and Happy Columbus Day to Americans. It is also my Mum's 94th Birthday - Happy Birthday Mum.
Here is Mark Steyn's latest post with Greg Gutfeld - enjoy the blog.
Sunday, October 08, 2017
Intereseting view of the markets -James Delingpole Podcast - Breitbart
James Delingpole Podcast - Breitbart:
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Here is James Delingpole's interview of Simon Cankwell, a contrarian investor. If you are interested in Tesla, Gold or Bitcoin you should have a listen. I tend to share his view of Tesla.
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Here is James Delingpole's interview of Simon Cankwell, a contrarian investor. If you are interested in Tesla, Gold or Bitcoin you should have a listen. I tend to share his view of Tesla.
The Worst Gun Control Arguments | Scott Adams' Blog
The Worst Gun Control Arguments | Scott Adams' Blog:
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It has been almost a week since the Las Vegas massacre. I am still not comfortable talking about the sadness and the loss suffered by those that lost family members and those who survived the event.
We will probably never know what caused this insane retired accountant to do such a heinous thing. Now that the politicians have regained their voice they are now dealing with this event as a gun control issue which trivializes the event and does not deal with the insane motivation of the killer.
Here is Scott Adams discussing the gun control issue in the United States.
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It has been almost a week since the Las Vegas massacre. I am still not comfortable talking about the sadness and the loss suffered by those that lost family members and those who survived the event.
We will probably never know what caused this insane retired accountant to do such a heinous thing. Now that the politicians have regained their voice they are now dealing with this event as a gun control issue which trivializes the event and does not deal with the insane motivation of the killer.
Here is Scott Adams discussing the gun control issue in the United States.
Saturday, October 07, 2017
Delingpole: Trump to Repeal and Replace Obama's 'Stupid' and 'Job Killing' Clean Power Plan
Delingpole: Trump to Repeal and Replace Obama's 'Stupid' and 'Job Killing' Clean Power Plan:
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Here is the update from James Delingpole on the end of "Clean Power" another failed program of Obama and the left to hamstring the US economy. What were those guys thinking, everyone would heat themselves with wood?
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Here is the update from James Delingpole on the end of "Clean Power" another failed program of Obama and the left to hamstring the US economy. What were those guys thinking, everyone would heat themselves with wood?
Friday, October 06, 2017
Somalia conflict and famine: the causes are bad governance, not climate change
Somalia conflict and famine: the causes are bad governance, not climate change:
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Finally we have an article that points out the obvious the problem in the case of Somalia - Ruined State - Bad Government. I don't know about you but I am stunned at how many problems are blamed on climate change. The Climate has been changing since the origination of a climate on the planet so let's get serious climate change is a constant state you have to adapt or die. Most of the problems on the planet can be blamed on failed political ideologies, this means communism and its spawn post-modernism. If you thought things have been screwed up in the past wait until you see what happens with the EU and what would happen if the UN was running things.
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Finally we have an article that points out the obvious the problem in the case of Somalia - Ruined State - Bad Government. I don't know about you but I am stunned at how many problems are blamed on climate change. The Climate has been changing since the origination of a climate on the planet so let's get serious climate change is a constant state you have to adapt or die. Most of the problems on the planet can be blamed on failed political ideologies, this means communism and its spawn post-modernism. If you thought things have been screwed up in the past wait until you see what happens with the EU and what would happen if the UN was running things.
Episode #213 10 - 5-17 by Aaron Clarey
Episode #213 10 - 5-17 by Aaron Clarey:
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It's been a bad week following the murders in Las Vegas. let's listen to the Cappy spout off.
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It's been a bad week following the murders in Las Vegas. let's listen to the Cappy spout off.
Tuesday, October 03, 2017
Delingpole: Barrier Reef 'Dying' Scare Exposed as Fake News
Delingpole: Barrier Reef 'Dying' Scare Exposed as Fake News:
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Well what do you know - another little bit of the catastrophist agenda fails. Thanks James for writing this article.
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Well what do you know - another little bit of the catastrophist agenda fails. Thanks James for writing this article.
Sunday, October 01, 2017
Climate Change May Allow Forest-Destroying Beetles To Move North Rapidly, Study Finds | CleanTechnica
Climate Change May Allow Forest-Destroying Beetles To Move North Rapidly, Study Finds | CleanTechnica:
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Interesting report but as usual the authors miss the issue of forests being replanted with only one species of seedling. We had this issue with the Pine Bark Beetle in Western Canada where cut blocks were replanted with Lodge Pole Pine to give the Forestry companies the fastest regrowth they could get. Unfortunately it also made the new forest vulnerable to insect infestation.
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Interesting report but as usual the authors miss the issue of forests being replanted with only one species of seedling. We had this issue with the Pine Bark Beetle in Western Canada where cut blocks were replanted with Lodge Pole Pine to give the Forestry companies the fastest regrowth they could get. Unfortunately it also made the new forest vulnerable to insect infestation.
Jackie Mason Tackles National Anthem Protesters: 'The More Money They Make, The More They Hate This Country' (Exclusive)
Jackie Mason Tackles National Anthem Protesters: 'The More Money They Make, The More They Hate This Country' (Exclusive):
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Enjoy Jackie Mason's comments on the NFL Protests and Yom Kippur. He is the voice of reason and a national treasure.
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Enjoy Jackie Mason's comments on the NFL Protests and Yom Kippur. He is the voice of reason and a national treasure.
Laura Perrins: Conservative women are not brainwashed fools
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I hadn't heard of Laura Perrins until I heard the latest podcast by James Delingpole. I thought I would learn more about her. Here is the latest blog she has written in Conservative Woman.
PS you will have to clip and paste the address in your browser something is wrong with my blog grabber today.
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I hadn't heard of Laura Perrins until I heard the latest podcast by James Delingpole. I thought I would learn more about her. Here is the latest blog she has written in Conservative Woman.
PS you will have to clip and paste the address in your browser something is wrong with my blog grabber today.
Laura Perrins: Conservative women are not brainwashed fools
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I hadn't heard of Laura Perrins until I heard the latest podcast by James Delingpole. I thaoguht I would learn more about her. Here is the latest blog she has written in Conservative Woman.
PS you will have to clip and paste the address in your browser something is wrong with my blog grabber today.
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I hadn't heard of Laura Perrins until I heard the latest podcast by James Delingpole. I thaoguht I would learn more about her. Here is the latest blog she has written in Conservative Woman.
PS you will have to clip and paste the address in your browser something is wrong with my blog grabber today.
Delingpole: Bill Nye's New 'Science Guy' Movie is More Climate Change Propaganda
Delingpole: Bill Nye's New 'Science Guy' Movie is More Climate Change Propaganda:
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I like Bill's bow ties but I can't get over his unscientific attitude to climate change. We don't need entertainers like Bill spreading fake science.
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I like Bill's bow ties but I can't get over his unscientific attitude to climate change. We don't need entertainers like Bill spreading fake science.
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The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease
The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...
Climate change: Could melting Antarctic ice actually help to combat it? - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) : 'via Blog t...
The Art of Disinformation–Western Lies About the War in Ukraine
Ottawa may have no choice but to repatriate, prosecute captured Canadian ISIL members: experts | National Post : 'via Blog this' ...