Episode #229 9 - 29 - 17 by Aaron Clarey:
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Enjoy Captain Capitalism's Pod Cast - He pokes the hooking Professor in the eye.
Just the Facts is a discussion of current world events from the point of view of someone who lives on the fringe of polite society, just plain old oil field trash.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Episode #229 9 - 29 - 17 by Aaron Clarey
Episode #229 9 - 29 - 17 by Aaron Clarey:
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Enjoy Captain Capitalism's Pod Cast - He pokes the hooking Professor in the eye.
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Enjoy Captain Capitalism's Pod Cast - He pokes the hooking Professor in the eye.
Majority of Americans now say climate change makes hurricanes more intense - The Washington Post
Majority of Americans now say climate change makes hurricanes more intense - The Washington Post:
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Now this is real science! This is the most scientific test of a theory I have ever seen. We are doomed.
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Now this is real science! This is the most scientific test of a theory I have ever seen. We are doomed.
Idolatry Former Google Employee Engineering His Own A.I. Religion - Breitbart
Former Google Employee Engineering His Own A.I. Religion - Breitbart:
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Their are always those whose crave to worship idols. Sad
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Their are always those whose crave to worship idols. Sad
Calculating the "Social Cost" of CO2 Emissions Using FUND | Friends of Science Calgary
Calculating the "Social Cost" of CO2 Emissions Using FUND | Friends of Science Calgary:
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If only the Earth was a static state this math fun would be valuable.
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If only the Earth was a static state this math fun would be valuable.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Delingpole: Desperate, Disgusting, Delusional Alarmists Backtrack on Bombshell Climate Study
Delingpole: Desperate, Disgusting, Delusional Alarmists Backtrack on Bombshell Climate Study:
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Ah, as they say the "science is settled". Right then, here is the continuing saga of "our models are a little too hot".
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Ah, as they say the "science is settled". Right then, here is the continuing saga of "our models are a little too hot".
Parasitic wind killing its host | Energy Matters
Parasitic wind killing its host | Energy Matters:
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For all you folks who think wind is the future - nice idea but it is unsustainable. Welcome to energy poverty, enjoy life in your shire.
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For all you folks who think wind is the future - nice idea but it is unsustainable. Welcome to energy poverty, enjoy life in your shire.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
The Spreading Cloud | Belmont Club
The Spreading Cloud | Belmont Club:
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I had to watch Monday Night Football - not for the game, but to watch the antics at the singing of the national anthem. We have reached a crazy time in America when elite multimillionaire athletes are protesting that the country has done them bad. Crazy.
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I had to watch Monday Night Football - not for the game, but to watch the antics at the singing of the national anthem. We have reached a crazy time in America when elite multimillionaire athletes are protesting that the country has done them bad. Crazy.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017
Delingpole: DiCaprio Gives Career-Best Performance As Whiny Green Activist Spurned By Trump
Delingpole: DiCaprio Gives Career-Best Performance As Whiny Green Activist Spurned By Trump:
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You would have to be a dotard to take anything an actor or for that matter a musician has to say about anything scientific (Unless they graduated with a STEM degree).
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You would have to be a dotard to take anything an actor or for that matter a musician has to say about anything scientific (Unless they graduated with a STEM degree).
Thursday, September 21, 2017
The man whose biblical doomsday claim has some nervously eyeing Sept. 23
The man whose biblical doomsday claim has some nervously eyeing Sept. 23:
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Today is a good day for Catastrophists - first the Biblical doomsday.
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Today is a good day for Catastrophists - first the Biblical doomsday.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Instapundit » Blog Archive » WALL STREET JOURNAL: All Mr. Comey’s Wiretaps: Congress needs to learn how the FBI meddled in the …
Instapundit » Blog Archive » WALL STREET JOURNAL: All Mr. Comey’s Wiretaps: Congress needs to learn how the FBI meddled in the …:
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Here is an article you have to read. There has been a lot Air and electrons spent making fun of POTUS over his wiretap tweet.
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Here is an article you have to read. There has been a lot Air and electrons spent making fun of POTUS over his wiretap tweet.
Instapundit » Blog Archive » WALL STREET JOURNAL: All Mr. Comey’s Wiretaps: Congress needs to learn how the FBI meddled in the …
Instapundit » Blog Archive » WALL STREET JOURNAL: All Mr. Comey’s Wiretaps: Congress needs to learn how the FBI meddled in the …:
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Here is an article you have to read. There has been a lot Air and electrons spent making fun of POTUS over his wiretap tweet.
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Here is an article you have to read. There has been a lot Air and electrons spent making fun of POTUS over his wiretap tweet.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Delingpole: Climate Alarmists Finally Admit 'We Were Wrong About Global Warming'
Delingpole: Climate Alarmists Finally Admit 'We Were Wrong About Global Warming':
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Thank you James for this article. The hubris of the climate modelers has up until now been overwhelming. Yes most were running abit too "hot". If they had watched their brothers in the dismal science of economics they would have realized that forecasting may be fun but it is hardly ever accurate except by the random event of luck.
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Thank you James for this article. The hubris of the climate modelers has up until now been overwhelming. Yes most were running abit too "hot". If they had watched their brothers in the dismal science of economics they would have realized that forecasting may be fun but it is hardly ever accurate except by the random event of luck.
Monday, September 18, 2017
CLIMATES OF TIMES PAST | Friends of Science Calgary
CLIMATES OF TIMES PAST | Friends of Science Calgary:
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Global Warmists don't set your hair on fire. Here is a very interesting look at the paleoclimate of the earth.
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Global Warmists don't set your hair on fire. Here is a very interesting look at the paleoclimate of the earth.
Coffee vs. climate change: The news is not good | Ars Technica
Coffee vs. climate change: The news is not good | Ars Technica:
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Now you have my attention. This is a clear and present danger, it may even be existential!
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Now you have my attention. This is a clear and present danger, it may even be existential!
Exxon, Paul Weiss Weather Ups and Downs on Climate Change | National Law Journal
Exxon, Paul Weiss Weather Ups and Downs on Climate Change | National Law Journal:
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Here is the latest update on the ExxonMobil lawsuit. We are going more of this kind of frivalous lawsuits regarding climate change, global warming and weather. Probably we have a little surplus in lawyers.
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Here is the latest update on the ExxonMobil lawsuit. We are going more of this kind of frivalous lawsuits regarding climate change, global warming and weather. Probably we have a little surplus in lawyers.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Tesla's Supply Chain Risks – The Cobalt Problem | Friends of Science Calgary
Tesla's Supply Chain Risks – The Cobalt Problem | Friends of Science Calgary:
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Good Morning. The cobalt problem, who would have every thought about the supply chain risk of EV (electric vehicles). As usual there is no easy fix.
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Good Morning. The cobalt problem, who would have every thought about the supply chain risk of EV (electric vehicles). As usual there is no easy fix.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
New White House Comms Director "Suspended" From Twitter One Day After Appointment | Zero Hedge
New White House Comms Director "Suspended" From Twitter One Day After Appointment | Zero Hedge:
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Twitter is another media that might need to be passed on to the junk pile. If it lets ISIS on but takes normal people off it is not working. Politicized mediums don't work.
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Twitter is another media that might need to be passed on to the junk pile. If it lets ISIS on but takes normal people off it is not working. Politicized mediums don't work.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Report: Google Bias Against Leading Conservative Websites Is Real
Report: Google Bias Against Leading Conservative Websites Is Real:
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More on the left wing adjustment of the Google Search engine. Is it time to move on from Google to a more politically neutral search engine?
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More on the left wing adjustment of the Google Search engine. Is it time to move on from Google to a more politically neutral search engine?
Fake News: NBC News Botches Russiagate 'Bombshell'
Fake News: NBC News Botches Russiagate 'Bombshell':
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Here is an interesting twist on false news and the Never Trumpers hope that the Russiagate story still has any legs.
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Here is an interesting twist on false news and the Never Trumpers hope that the Russiagate story still has any legs.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Gabriel: 9/11-We Forgot - Breitbart
Gabriel: 9/11-We Forgot - Breitbart:
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Can't say much other then what was the purpose? Just a tragedy for the victims.
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Can't say much other then what was the purpose? Just a tragedy for the victims.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Florida governor has ignored climate change risks, critics say | The Independent
Florida governor has ignored climate change risks, critics say | The Independent:
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The sky is falling! How can a newspaper put out such an alarmist and completely nonsensical story. Irma is not the strongest hurricane to hit the United States, hurricanes are not more frequent and having the first responders ride bicycles won't change the weather. They should save their ink.
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The sky is falling! How can a newspaper put out such an alarmist and completely nonsensical story. Irma is not the strongest hurricane to hit the United States, hurricanes are not more frequent and having the first responders ride bicycles won't change the weather. They should save their ink.
Saturday, September 09, 2017
Scott Adams' Blog
Scott Adams' Blog:
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Scott Adams' Blog on the hurricanes is a rational view of things.
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Scott Adams' Blog on the hurricanes is a rational view of things.
Tucker Carlson Rips 'Out of Touch' Jennifer Lawrence for Linking Hurricanes to Donald Trump - Breitbart
Tucker Carlson Rips 'Out of Touch' Jennifer Lawrence for Linking Hurricanes to Donald Trump - Breitbart:
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Perhaps a record of crazy prognostications by celebrities might mike an interesting record. We will see.
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Perhaps a record of crazy prognostications by celebrities might mike an interesting record. We will see.
Friday, September 08, 2017
Stephen Colbert Gives Nazi Salute to Trump on 'Late Show' (Video)
Stephen Colbert Gives Nazi Salute to Trump on 'Late Show' (Video):
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WTF - Get this tasteless nazi creep off the air - not funny. Actually when the left does a nazi salute they get a pass because we all know they are just signalling to their kind. Antifa = Fascist.
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WTF - Get this tasteless nazi creep off the air - not funny. Actually when the left does a nazi salute they get a pass because we all know they are just signalling to their kind. Antifa = Fascist.
Delingpole: Islamic State and Hillary Supporters Beg Hurricane Irma - 'Destroy Trump's America!'
Delingpole: Islamic State and Hillary Supporters Beg Hurricane Irma - 'Destroy Trump's America!':
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TGIF. Here is where magic meets crazy. Luckily neither group has any say in how the weather unfolds.
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TGIF. Here is where magic meets crazy. Luckily neither group has any say in how the weather unfolds.
Thursday, September 07, 2017
Wow - this bog is over 2500 page views, Thanks to Russian viewers and the robots we are seeing some traction.
The Terrifying Risk of Climate Change in Scotland | Energy Matters
The Terrifying Risk of Climate Change in Scotland | Energy Matters:
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Here is a great article. The problem with the Catastrophists is the hyperbole involved. No one ever seems to check what they are saying. This is a check. Thanks to SmallDeadAnimals for picking this up.
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Here is a great article. The problem with the Catastrophists is the hyperbole involved. No one ever seems to check what they are saying. This is a check. Thanks to SmallDeadAnimals for picking this up.
Wednesday, September 06, 2017
The 3% of scientific papers that deny climate change are all flawed — Quartz
The 3% of scientific papers that deny climate change are all flawed — Quartz:
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The most biting criticism of the Climate Change Catastrophists was that their conclusions were wrong because they "cooked" the data to fit their conclusions. Trying to have the opposing articles disqualified is a uninspired attack, in a scholastic argument where the facts are now so cooked as to be unrecognizable is a waste of time and ink or in this case electrons. At least the critics got a chance to recycle all the complaints made against their "science".
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The most biting criticism of the Climate Change Catastrophists was that their conclusions were wrong because they "cooked" the data to fit their conclusions. Trying to have the opposing articles disqualified is a uninspired attack, in a scholastic argument where the facts are now so cooked as to be unrecognizable is a waste of time and ink or in this case electrons. At least the critics got a chance to recycle all the complaints made against their "science".
The conservative Donald Trump and Russia conspiracy theory that doesn't add up - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
The conservative Donald Trump and Russia conspiracy theory that doesn't add up - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation):
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Well Seth Rich won't go away. this is an interesting update from Australia which keeps things moving.
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Well Seth Rich won't go away. this is an interesting update from Australia which keeps things moving.
The conservative Donald Trump and Russia conspiracy theory that doesn't add up - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
The conservative Donald Trump and Russia conspiracy theory that doesn't add up - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation):
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Well Seth Rich won't go away. this is an interesting update from Australia which keeps things moving.
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Well Seth Rich won't go away. this is an interesting update from Australia which keeps things moving.
Tuesday, September 05, 2017
Twitter Bans Christian Mom for Calling Out Teen Vogue’s Push of Underage Sodomy
Twitter Bans Christian Mom for Calling Out Teen Vogue’s Push of Underage Sodomy:
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OMG - What are the nerds at Twitter thinking. They allow all sorts of crap to get tweeted. Who made them God. Unplug Twitter - waste of time.
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OMG - What are the nerds at Twitter thinking. They allow all sorts of crap to get tweeted. Who made them God. Unplug Twitter - waste of time.
Monday, September 04, 2017
We Don’t Deny Harvey, So Why Deny Climate Change? - The New York Times
We Don’t Deny Harvey, So Why Deny Climate Change? - The New York Times:
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Harvey is what we call weather. Climate change? In the geological sense, the climate is always changing so the expression is redundant except when used by the Climate Catastrophists who see it as an end of the world event.
Nicholas Kristof writes the standard piece we would expect from a journalistic partisan propagandist. He sees the main reason that storm hit Texas is that the US has pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. This is a very long and incredible leap to make. If you remember the Paris Accord it was primarily concerned with transferring wealth from the first world to the third, not a very effective way of accomplishing anything other than making Swiss Bankers happy as the money would very rapidly flow back to them from the Kleptocrats that run control these countries for the most part.
The main premise of the article is that hurricanes are now worse due to climatic conditions - a concept not supported by facts. Hurricanes have been less frequent in the last decade than previous ones.
Here is the data from the NOAA Hurricane Center:
As for Nicholas's asertion that the water tempurature has increased - who knows? There has been so much temperature data manipulation by the "scientists" who ardently beleive in Global Warmng and want to have everything back up their theory that we cannot trust any temperature data.
One point he does make that is important is the link between damage and death and the increased number of people who live on very low lying ground which can be inundated in the event of flooding.
This is a problem in North America as much as in places like Bangladesh. As the planet gets more and more crowded people are trying to exist is places where normally they would have avoided.
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Harvey is what we call weather. Climate change? In the geological sense, the climate is always changing so the expression is redundant except when used by the Climate Catastrophists who see it as an end of the world event.
Nicholas Kristof writes the standard piece we would expect from a journalistic partisan propagandist. He sees the main reason that storm hit Texas is that the US has pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. This is a very long and incredible leap to make. If you remember the Paris Accord it was primarily concerned with transferring wealth from the first world to the third, not a very effective way of accomplishing anything other than making Swiss Bankers happy as the money would very rapidly flow back to them from the Kleptocrats that run control these countries for the most part.
The main premise of the article is that hurricanes are now worse due to climatic conditions - a concept not supported by facts. Hurricanes have been less frequent in the last decade than previous ones.
Here is the data from the NOAA Hurricane Center:
Category | Average | Maximum | Years | Minimum | Years |
Named storms (including subtropical storms) | 11.7& | 28 | 2005 | 4 | 1983 |
Hurricanes | 6.3 | 15 | 2005 | 2 | 1982,2013 |
Major Hurricanes | 2.4 | 7 | 2005* | 0 | many times, last 2013 |
USA landfalling hurricanes | 1.7 | 6 | 1985, 2004, 2005+ | 0 | many, last 2015 |
USA landfalling major hurricanes | 0.6 | 4 | 2005 | 0 | many, last 2016 |
As for Nicholas's asertion that the water tempurature has increased - who knows? There has been so much temperature data manipulation by the "scientists" who ardently beleive in Global Warmng and want to have everything back up their theory that we cannot trust any temperature data.
One point he does make that is important is the link between damage and death and the increased number of people who live on very low lying ground which can be inundated in the event of flooding.
This is a problem in North America as much as in places like Bangladesh. As the planet gets more and more crowded people are trying to exist is places where normally they would have avoided.
Sunday, September 03, 2017
The End of Containment? | Belmont Club
The End of Containment? | Belmont Club:
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Richard Fernandez has a short succinct essay on North Korea after their latest nuclear test. I need to talk to my friend Dave who runs a seismic observation company and ask him how it compares to the last test.
I recognize that this is serious but any further moves will only terminate the little Korean dumpling so it will be interesting to see the next steps.
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Richard Fernandez has a short succinct essay on North Korea after their latest nuclear test. I need to talk to my friend Dave who runs a seismic observation company and ask him how it compares to the last test.
I recognize that this is serious but any further moves will only terminate the little Korean dumpling so it will be interesting to see the next steps.
Saturday, September 02, 2017
James Comey Moved to Exonerate Clinton Long Before Email Investigation Was Over
James Comey Moved to Exonerate Clinton Long Before Email Investigation Was Over:
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This evidence supports the view that the FBI is now a political organization operated by Democrats. This continues to damage the view of impartial law enforcement if the ever was such a thing. We are all endangered by the politicization of the bureaucracy, which we see in both Canada and the United States.
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This evidence supports the view that the FBI is now a political organization operated by Democrats. This continues to damage the view of impartial law enforcement if the ever was such a thing. We are all endangered by the politicization of the bureaucracy, which we see in both Canada and the United States.
Jackie Mason: Symbols of Whole Foods Must Come Down to End Persecution of Fat People (Exclusive)
Jackie Mason: Symbols of Whole Foods Must Come Down to End Persecution of Fat People (Exclusive):
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You have got to love Jackie Mason, here is a wonderful video that will have you in stitches.
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You have got to love Jackie Mason, here is a wonderful video that will have you in stitches.
Friday, September 01, 2017
Google Ultimatum to Conservative Website: Take Down 'Hateful' Article or Be Demonetized
Google Ultimatum to Conservative Website: Take Down 'Hateful' Article or Be Demonetized:
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Question: Is it time to discontinue using Google Chrome and move on. I always say if you can show and monetize pornographic content with bestiality and necrophilia (just touching on two of the many forms available where did you earn the right to comment on other people's free expression. Who get's the morality of the nerds from the west coast.
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Question: Is it time to discontinue using Google Chrome and move on. I always say if you can show and monetize pornographic content with bestiality and necrophilia (just touching on two of the many forms available where did you earn the right to comment on other people's free expression. Who get's the morality of the nerds from the west coast.
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Here is a great new video for info wars.
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Here is a great new video for info wars.
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The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease
The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease https://www.zerohedge.com/political/net-zero-cure-far-worse-disease We are now going to fa...
Climate change: Could melting Antarctic ice actually help to combat it? - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) : 'via Blog t...
The Art of Disinformation–Western Lies About the War in Ukraine https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/art-disinformation-western-lies-w...
Ottawa may have no choice but to repatriate, prosecute captured Canadian ISIL members: experts | National Post : 'via Blog this' ...