Monday, May 29, 2017

CNN's W. Kamau Bell: Islam Part of America’s Founding - Breitbart

CNN's W. Kamau Bell: Islam Part of America’s Founding - Breitbart:

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The issue that irritates the most is historical revisionism.  This stems from our experience with the Communists and the Fascists who decided that the historical facts should be adjusted to suit their political narrative.

We all work at knowing and understanding history, we all have memory and when faced with the revised picture, revised to suit today's view, we only end up with confusion for some and division for others.  In the days of bound books the alternate scenario of the revisionist was hard to push to the public, perhaps even there was never the thought to revise history other then make corrections as new facts were discovered. but now things are different, history has to fit the political ideology so with a few key taps or a tv broadcast the alternate view is instantly out there for all to see.  The attempt to blend Islam into the founding of America is a classic example.  The fact that it is pushed by CNN not as anything other the political or cultural pandering is not surprising.  Another reason to turn off CNN.


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Watch: Hillary Clinton Can't Stop Coughing During Commencement Speech - Breitbart

Watch: Hillary Clinton Can't Stop Coughing During Commencement Speech - Breitbart:

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Something is wrong with HRC and I am not referring to Presidential Campaign 3.0.


The Demented Detectives on Seth Rich’s Case - The New York Times

The Demented Detectives on Seth Rich’s Case - The New York Times:

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Right - here is a NYTs article trying to attack the new boogieman - conspiracy theories.  What the NYT and MSM fail to address is that their journalism has become a shill for the DEMs in particular and the progressive point of view in general and continuing this narrative has put them offline with the population in general.  It explains the falling market for print; people recognize the bias and don't bother with the paper anymore.  Sounds like a conspiracy to me.


Sunday, May 21, 2017

BOOM! Hacker Kim Dotcom: "I Knew Seth Rich Was the Wikileaks Source - I Was Involved" (Updated)

BOOM! Hacker Kim Dotcom: "I Knew Seth Rich Was the Wikileaks Source - I Was Involved" (Updated):

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The Seth Rich story will be the heart of the Special Investigator Mueller's investigation.  This is the real story and things will keep spooling out of the weeds as Seth Rich's story gets more exposure.


The Short Attention Span President | Scott Adams' Blog

The Short Attention Span President | Scott Adams' Blog:

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Scott Adam's has an interesting take of Trump and thinking back we should compare him to Jimmy Carter's style of management.


Anderson Cooper Sorry for 'Crude' Donald Trump Remark to Jeffrey Lord

Anderson Cooper Sorry for 'Crude' Donald Trump Remark to Jeffrey Lord:

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This has to go on the record.  Anderson Cooper is really losing it. I missed the comment but again I turned off CNN months ago.


BBC Reserves the Right to Report Commenters to Their Employer for Offensive Content - Breitbart

BBC Reserves the Right to Report Commenters to Their Employer for Offensive Content - Breitbart:

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What is up in Britain,  News organizations everywhere are having to put up with comments that are not all complimentary; the the price you pay when you put out information.  Be brave - turn off the comments if you don't want to know what the customers think.  Threatening to tell their employers as a threat is ridiculous.  Myr response, don't read the BBC or any other organization that can't handle a few letters to the editor.


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Russian Embassy Implicates Hillary In Tweet Asking: "Who Killed Seth Rich?" | Zero Hedge

Russian Embassy Implicates Hillary In Tweet Asking: "Who Killed Seth Rich?" | Zero Hedge:

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Here is an update from ZeroHedge.  Enjoy the read.


Sean Hannity: "I'm not backing off" the Seth Rich conspiracy

Sean Hannity: "I'm not backing off" the Seth Rich conspiracy:

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Move along - nothing to see here.  The story is complicated by family, retractions and most importantly, the slow walk of this case by the FBI.  Are we going to have to have wikileaks resolve this?


Reversing climate change with carbon-sucking plantations not realistic, scientists warn - Technology & Science - CBC News

Reversing climate change with carbon-sucking plantations not realistic, scientists warn - Technology & Science - CBC News:

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Is the Global Warming movement just a race back to a pre-industrial time?  Is the Global Warming movement just antihumanism?  What struck me about this article is that Greens are thinking about going back to using wood to generate electricity. We need to have a better understanding about how much "renewable" energy now being used is biomass of one form or another.  A question we have to answer - tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Was DNC Hack an Inside Job After All? - Breitbart

Was DNC Hack an Inside Job After All? - Breitbart:

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Trolling for more on the Seth Rich story, I came across this in Breitbart.


Who leads the world in the fight against climate change? | Energy Matters

Who leads the world in the fight against climate change? | Energy Matters:

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Interesting analysis of the futility of the governmental approach to the "war" against carbon dioxide. This is what happens when short term leaders tangle with long term problems.  Just enough theatrics to get reelected for one more term.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Silence from Establishment Media over Seth Rich Wikileaks Report

Silence from Establishment Media over Seth Rich Wikileaks Report:

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For the record - Are you not surprised by this turn of events (speaking ironically).


4 Unanswered Questions Surrounding Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich - Breitbart

4 Unanswered Questions Surrounding Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich - Breitbart:

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For the record - Here is more info on the Seth Rich case.


4 Unanswered Questions Surrounding Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich - Breitbart

4 Unanswered Questions Surrounding Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich - Breitbart:

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For the record - Here is more info on the Seth Rich case.


White House: No Comment on Ongoing Seth Rich Investigation - Breitbart

White House: No Comment on Ongoing Seth Rich Investigation - Breitbart:

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For the record - more on Seth Rich Murder.  Enjoy the comments following the article.


Report: Seth Rich 'Leaked Thousands of Internal Emails to WikiLeaks'

Report: Seth Rich 'Leaked Thousands of Internal Emails to WikiLeaks':

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Here is some further information on the story.


Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death - Story | WTTG

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death - Story | WTTG:

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Is anyone really surprised this happened if your involved with the DNC and the Clintons?  This is one of the strangest murders. The police and the FBI can solve the most arcane and obscure cases but this one stumps them?

Enjoy the article and thanks SmallDeadAnimals for highlighting it.


Monday, May 15, 2017

'SNL' Showrunner: Rosie O'Donnell Too Hateful to Play Steve Bannon

'SNL' Showrunner: Rosie O'Donnell Too Hateful to Play Steve Bannon:

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Is this the first indication of sense returning to SNL and the group think of the left?


'SNL' Showrunner: Rosie O'Donnell Too Hateful to Play Steve Bannon

'SNL' Showrunner: Rosie O'Donnell Too Hateful to Play Steve Bannon:

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Is this the first indication of sense returning to SNL and the group think of the left?


You can’t handle the truth? An excellent Globe and Mail environmental commentary gets universally ignored | BOE Report

You can’t handle the truth? An excellent Globe and Mail environmental commentary gets universally ignored | BOE Report:

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Here - some serious comment  on the Green Movement.


How to Know You Won a Political Debate on the... | Scott Adams' Blog

How to Know You Won a Political Debate on the... | Scott Adams' Blog:

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Running through all the articles on the net this morning and listening to Fox in my car as I drove downtown I was stunned by the parallel universes that the left and right are in.  The Russian theory is just smoke to cover the defeat of the DEMS in 2016 and their inability to admit that HRC was beaten by the Donald and his hoards of despicables.  There will NEVER be any credible evidence found to back up Podesta's claims. On the other hand the firing of Comey, topic cette semaine, is another huge issue that won't go away if the DEMS can help it. He got fired, get over it.

Enjoy this article by Scott Adams - He summarizes the problem so well.

Now back to work.


Sunday, May 14, 2017

What does it take to substitute 4 GtC using low-C electricity? | Energy Matters

What does it take to substitute 4 GtC using low-C electricity? | Energy Matters:

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Here you go windmill lovers.  You to can have one in your backyard and it still won't help.  We need to spend at say 3MM per windmill installed the tab will be $9.8 Trillion!


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Jackie Mason: The Investigators Need to Be Investigated (Exclusive Video)

Jackie Mason: The Investigators Need to Be Investigated (Exclusive Video):

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Okay, you sat in front of your tv set watching CNN (I confess I turned them on foe a bit Wednesday night) and you wonder what is going on, how could they get this deranged.  The MSM and the Dems have turned themselves into knots over Podesta's post election Russian fake, Here is Jackie Mason, the voice of reason with his comments.



Friday, May 12, 2017

Delingpole: Donald Trump Is So Right to Wage War on Wind Farms...

Delingpole: Donald Trump Is So Right to Wage War on Wind Farms...:

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The Comey firing and the threat of "tapes" will have to remain on the field untouched today.  I can't stand the mess from Dems and MSM exploding heads and burning hair.  Here is something that has be read - the true impact of all the windfarms to all energy production - Buttkiss!.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Trump Trolls Hate-Filled Democrats — And I Can’t Stop Laughing | The Rush Limbaugh Show

Trump Trolls Hate-Filled Democrats — And I Can’t Stop Laughing | The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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Been kind of overwhelmed with the outage that has poured out the press and the DEMS over Comey being ousted from the FBI?  I know I have.  I was even getting confused on what was happening and who was concerned.  Enjoy this article.


Trump Trolls Hate-Filled Democrats — And I Can’t Stop Laughing | The Rush Limbaugh Show

Trump Trolls Hate-Filled Democrats — And I Can’t Stop Laughing | The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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Been kind of overwhelmed with the outage that has poured out the press and the DEMS over Comey being ousted from the FBI?  I know I have.  I was even getting confused on what was happening and who was concerned.  Enjoy this article.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Tommy Robinson Arrested for Contempt of Court After Trying to Film Alleged Rapists Outside Canterbury Court - Breitbart

Tommy Robinson Arrested for Contempt of Court After Trying to Film Alleged Rapists Outside Canterbury Court - Breitbart:

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Like many people I received an email from Ezra Levant early this morning on the arrest of Tommy Robinson.  We have to face the fact that freedom of the press is paramount, even if you don't like what they say which with MSM is most of the time.  Nothing is gained by the political establishments by trying to intimidate the press.  You cannot cork the information bottle now and you shouldn't try to emulate the restrictive states of the third world.  England = PRC, I hope not.


Monday, May 08, 2017

Fake Law | The Weekly Standard

Fake Law | The Weekly Standard:

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Great article about the problem with the politicized Judiciary.  Thanks SmallDeadAnimals for bringing this up.


Sunday, May 07, 2017

Feinstein: I'm Worried What 13 White Republican Men Will Do to Health Care - Breitbart

Feinstein: I'm Worried What 13 White Republican Men Will Do to Health Care - Breitbart:

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When the opposition DEMS have to play both the race card and the gender card you know they are mentally bankrupt.  I want them to try harder and bring in the religion card.

It's just medicare folks. Obamacare is broken and doesn't work so let the GOP get on with fixing it.


Wednesday, May 03, 2017

‘Peeing Russian Prostitutes’ Dossier Author Admits Claims Needed to Be Verified

‘Peeing Russian Prostitutes’ Dossier Author Admits Claims Needed to Be Verified:

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Of all the claims in all the world by the sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the peeing prostitutes of Moscow has to rate as the best false news.  This has to go in the record.

Great start for a day!


Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Montana Democrat Rob Quist Encourages Climate Skeptics to Consider Suicide - Breitbart

Montana Democrat Rob Quist Encourages Climate Skeptics to Consider Suicide - Breitbart:

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This has to go on the record - nobody really cares what happens in Montana, well hold it I do but it is an underpopulated place close to nowhere.  Anyway Quist gets a point for being outrageous - It might sell in California.


The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease

  The Net Zero Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease We are now going to fa...